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I’m A Celeb’s Maura Higgins looks unrecognisable in unearthed bikini snap before Love Island fame

I’M A Celebrity’s Maura Higgins looks unrecognisable in an unearthed bikini snap before her Love Island fame.

Maura, 33, who shot to stardom during the 2019 series of Love Island, has undergone a remarkable transformation since entering the public eye.

Lilli Forberg / Lipstick Syndication
Maura Higgins looks unrecognisable in an unearthed bikini snap[/caption]

However, the Irish beauty has been candid about her approach to cosmetic enhancements.

One unearthed photo from 2011 shows Maura, then 21, with a completely different look compared to these days.

The future reality star still looked gorgeous as she posed against a white background in a purple bikini.

She also sported a collection of bracelets and suggestively tugged at her bikini bottoms.

Speaking to MailOnline, Maura previously addressed rumors about having cosmetic work done.

She said in 2021, “I got my lips done three months after coming out of Love Island, and lip fillers last five to six months. I haven’t had anything done since then; I just let it dissolve.

“But people still assume I’ve had my lips done, Botox. People are even saying I’ve had my nose done when I’ve not actually had any work.”

She explained, “I had braces on for a long time, and since my teeth have moved, they’ve actually pushed my lips out slightly. I feel like I don’t need it. If I were to get my lips done now with my straight teeth, it just wouldn’t be a good look.”

Last night, I’m A Celeb star Maura was joined by Reverend Richard Coles as they headed straight into Snake Rock before being given a secret mission.

The companion camp has been transformed into the Jungle Junkyard, with the pair having been given a two-ring hob.

But although it has a hob, it also contains overgrown greenery, rusty corrugated metal, and of course, zero luxury.

And it’s safe to say that Maura is less than impressed by the living conditions she is faced with after leaving an opulent hotel, with the reality star firing expletives in a huge rant.


“It’s not liveable, we have nothing, this camp sucks,” she fumed after seeing the camp for the first time.

She then added, “I’m going to ask Richard to say a prayer for us tonight because I’m gonna need one.”

Then, Maura added, “We’ve definitely got the sh*t camp, so thanks for that. Jesus Christ. I tell you I saw this on a movie, there’s a trick to doing this.

“Guys this is not livable, this is not livable. This camp sucks.”

Meanwhile, Reverend Coles, compared his new abode to some bins, admitting, how he once “fell asleep by some bins outside Amnesia night club in Ibiza”.

Speaking about his bin stint, Rev Coles said, “I don’t remember much about it, but it’s that level.”

I'm A Celeb 2024 - late entries

MAURA Higgins is a late entry to I'm A Celeb 2024. Yet who is joining her?

2019 Love Island star Maura, 33, will be a late entry to the jungle line-up.

She will head into the I’m A Celeb camp, along with the Reverend Richard Coles, 62.

The duo will join the likes of Coleen RooneyBarry McGuigan and Danny Jones in Ant and Dec’s jungle camp a week into this year’s star-spangled series. 

Yet initially the duo will have their own private base – and a secret mission – before heading into the main compound Down Under.

Maura has already described the jungle as “hell.”

Meanwhile Richard, who has starred on Strictly, has confessed his biggest “fear.”


But not everything is as it seems, and they are encouraged to take a look around. 

Then, the Jungle Junkyard car came down to reveal a luxurious double bed so that the pair could sleep in luxury.

Also revealed to the duo was a container reveals a hidden large sofa and a cargo box that opened with a large bathtub with bubbles, bath salts, and hot water.

A red chest then opened to reveal a gas cooker and a hidden fridge door opens, stocked with fruit smoothies and a fruit platter. 

Ant and Dec then explained to the pair that over the next few days, Maura and Rev Coles will have to complete a series of missions in order to win food.

And to be successful overall, they were told that they had to convince the celebs in the main camp that they were roughing it in the Jungle Junkyard.

“I’m a great liar,” Maura boasted, while Richard weighed in with: “I’m gonna learn fast!”

Brian Roberts - Commissioned by The Sun
She has undergone a remarkable transformation since entering the public eye[/caption]
The Irish beauty has been candid about her approach to cosmetic enhancements

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