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The 'Wicked' movie only covers part of the musical. Here's everything we know about the second film.

Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba and Ariana Grande as Glinda in "Wicked."
  • The "Wicked" movie only covers part of the original musical's plot.
  • The first movie of the Broadway show has not been clearly marketed as a two-part franchise.
  • Here's what we know about the sequel scheduled for 2025, including cast and potential plot.

The cinematic debut of "Wicked" is already as long as the Broadway original, but only covers half of the show's plot. A second movie is coming in November 2025 to complete the story.

The director of 'Wicked' and its sequel, Jon M. Chu, announced in April 2022 that the film adaptation would be split into two movies released in 2024 and 2025.

It remains true even as Universal is marketing the movie as "Wicked," instead of "Wicked Part One." Warner Bros., the studio behind the release, also used this tactic with box office hits "Dune" and "It."

"Wicked" the musical is the second-highest-grossing Broadway show ever. The musical's plot follows the origin story of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, a character from "The Wizard of Oz."

The movie rendition stars Ariana Grande, Cynthia Eviro and Michelle Yeoh. "Wicked" competes with another double-hitter "Gladiator 2" this week for the top box office spot.

Although recent cinema adaptions of stage musicals like "Cats" and Steven Spielberg's "West Side Story" haven't had box-office success, "Wicked" is primed to join the billion-dollar club. Deadline predicted a $80 million plus opening, and higher first-day ticket pre-sales than Inside Out 2, which brought in over $1 billion in ticket sales in 2024.

Marc Platt, who produced the "Wicked" movie and stage production, said he intended for the story to be a film initially but changed his mind after speaking to Stephen Schwartz, who composed the music and lyrics for the stage musical.

"I waited a very long time to make the movie," Platt said at the movie's London premiere where Business Insider was in attendance. Now, fans will have to wait even longer, until November 21, 2025, for the second part of "Wicked."

Both parts of 'Wicked' were filmed together

Jeff Goldblum as the Wizard and Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible in "Wicked."

The cast, director, and crew have all shared reasons for splitting "Wicked" into two films.

Both Chu and Platt have said in interviews that they didn't want to cram or cut songs or characters to fit the story into one movie.

Cynthia Erivo, who plays Elphaba, told Entertainment Weekly in February that the split allowed more space to develop her character's friendship and rivalry with Glinda the Good Witch, played by Grande.

A fan newsletter "The Schwartz Scene" reported composer Schwartz said there had to be a break after "Defying Gravity," the final song in the musical's first act.

"We found it very difficult to get past 'Defying Gravity' without a break," he said. "That song is written specifically to bring a curtain down, and whatever scene to follow it without a break just seemed hugely anti-climactic."

Both parts of "Wicked" were filmed simultaneously and all the stars from the first film will return in the sequel. This also makes it unlikely the sequel could be delayed by production issues and should arrive on schedule next November.

'Wicked Part Two' will likely cover the second act of the Broadway musical

Erivo and Grande will reprise their roles in part two.

Spoilers ahead for "Wicked," the Broadway musical and the film.

The first movie adapts the first act of the Broadway musical, explaining how Elphaba became the Wicked Witch.

Though Elphaba grew up being bullied and mistreated for her green skin and magical powers, she is desperate to prove she can be good and become like everyone else.

She and her younger sister Nessarose end up at Shiz University, a magical school in the world of Oz, but Elphaba is forced to share a room with a self-absorbed student called Galinda.

The pair bicker and fight until they become friends. At the same time, both women fall for Prince Fiyero Tiggular, and Elphaba learns that someone is trying to cage Oz's animals and stop them from speaking.

Later in the film, Elphaba is invited to meet The Wizard of Oz, its ruler, and brings along Galinda, who now goes by Glinda.

They learn that the wizard is a con man and that he and Madame Morrible, a magic professor at Shiz, are behind the conspiracy against the talking animals.

They want to use Elphaba's powers to help their plot because she is Oz's chosen one, not the Wizard — she can read a special book of spells called the Grimmerie.

But Elphaba steals the book instead and leaves Emerald City, leaving behind Glinda, who still believes in the Wizard.

The second film will cover the second act, set a few years after the first. In this act, the story connects back to the plot of "The Wizard of Oz," which viewers might be more familiar with from the 1939 film.

Glinda and Madame Morrible are part of the Wizard's administration, and Fiyero is head of a hunting squad for Elphaba.

Nessarose has become a cruel governor of Munchkinland and earned the title of the Wicked Witch of the East.

Elphaba, now known as the Wicked Witch of the West, tries to do good for the animals and people of Oz, but her magic and actions continue to harm her loved ones.

When her sister is crushed and killed by Dorothy's house, she vows to become truly wicked. This establishes her character as the witch depicted in "The Wizard of Oz" book and film.

There are no new characters in Act Two, except Dorothy, who is normally not played by a character onstage. There has been no casting announcement to suggest Dorothy will have a larger role in the second film.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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