The country’s rapid development requires more people, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said
Russia needs foreign migrants to achieve its development goals, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said, citing the “tense” demographic situation in the country. The statement comes amid efforts by lawmakers to tighten the immigration laws.
Migrants are not a problem, but illegal migrants are, Peskov said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Friday. Labor migration should be regulated, and the rules should be strict but clear and easy to follow, he argued.
”For our [country’s] rapid development, for us to meet all our development plans, of course, we need working hands. They are very welcome,” the Kremlin spokesman stated. “Migrants are a necessity. The thing is that the demographic situation is very tense. We live in the largest country in the world, but there are few of us.”
There are currently around 6.5 million foreign citizens living in Russia, which has a population of 146 million, according to the Interior Ministry. An estimated 740,000 migrants are illegal.
The ministry has been creating a comprehensive database of illegal migrants, First Deputy Minister Aleksandr Gorovoy said in September. Those who end up on the register will be denied banking services, property registration, and other privileges.
Russian lawmakers have been considering over two dozen bills aimed at regulating migration, the legal status of foreign citizens in the country, and other issues in recent months.
Earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the authorities should think first and foremost about the interests of the country’s citizens when it comes to attracting migrants. He added that migrants will not experience rejection among Russians if they comply with the law and have a good command of the Russian language.
Earlier this month, Peskov said the demographic decline in Russia presents a “huge challenge” for the country. Only 1.264 million children were born in Russia in 2023, the lowest number since 1999, according to the Federal Service for State Statistics (Rosstat).
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