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The Chase contestant leaves ITV viewers and fellow players gobsmacked as he makes show history – for the WRONG reasons

THE CHASE viewers were left raging after watching a contestant on the show make history for all the wrong reasons.

Quiz show host Bradley Walsh was joined by contestants Jason, Kim, Nicky and Chetan, who all hoped to beat the chaser and win some cash.

Some fans were angry at The Vixen for making such a low offer[/caption]
Not known, clear with picture desk
The host of The Chase Bradley Welsh[/caption]
The Chase contestant stunned fans with his response[/caption]

The first contestant Jason made it back to the team with £2,000 which was okay but rather disappointing as he went for The Vixen’s lower offer.

But then Kim did the opposite and took a gamble and went for the highest offer, it paid off and she walked back to the team with an incredible £70k.

Nicky earned £7,000 but accepted an offer of minus £5,000 in an effort to get back safe, but of course this reduced Kim’s winnings.

And if that wasn’t bad enough Chetan made things ten times worse when he accepted the shows lowest ever offer of minus £17,000.

Just before making the decision he said: “Probably not going to be the most popular choice but I do think there is strength in numbers so I’m going to go for the -17.”

Viewers were desperate to respond and rushed to social media to make their opinions known.

One fan said: “What the f*** am I watching, imagine taking the minus £17,000 offer on The Chase …….the lowest offer ever. I wouldn’t be able to walk the streets without being ashamed of myself”.

A second added: “I would change my name and flee to a different country if I did this. Wouldn’t be able to handle the shame”.

A third claimed: “Approval from your teammates or not, this is a criminal offence”.

Another continued that thought, adding: “Imagine trying to win £-5k and £-17k. Imagine trying to win money off the prize pot. Tactics or not, that just feels wrong on every level.”

An upset fan raged: “What a sad, sad day for television. We’ve not only had a really poor attempt at a bushtucker trial which was painful to watch. But we’ve had the lowest ever offer in The Chase history. Minus £17,000″

However, not everyone felt the same way about Chetan’s decision.

His team supported him by saying that it was important that he made it back for the final chase because they needed a full house.

A fan of the show agreed and said: “The real villain here is the Vixen. I was expecting a minus £7K for a divisible number but to take £17K away was just spiteful, leaving someone like this open to ridicule!!”

The Chase's best moments

The Chase has been entertaining ITV viewers for years, here are some of the show's most memorable moments...

Bradley Walsh can’t stop laughing

  • Every time host Bradley Walsh erupts into fits of laughter on The Chase it makes for pretty entertaining TV. One particularly memorable occasion was when he was asking the question ‘The title of which Elvis Presley song was engraved of the inside of Freddie Star’s coffin?” As usual the contestant was given four multiple choices but Bradley could get through reading them out before bursting into hysterics. Seeming the idea of the song being option ‘B: Way Down’ was too much for the presenter to handle.

The Double Trouble special

  • To celebrate 15 years of The Chase on screens, ITV launched a special ‘double trouble’ episode where contestants faced off against not one but two of the show’s beloved Chasers. And despite the odds, the contestants managed to go home with some cash!

The contestants with famous names

  • Eagle-eyed ITV fans are always quick to spot interesting and sometimes hidden details on the quiz show – but there have been a few times where the names of some contestants have been overtly obvious. For example, one 2017 episode of the quiz show saw Bradley welcome four contestants who were named after Friends characters Ross, Rachel, Phoebe and Joey. Another group of contestants with named from The Simpsons were also grouped together in another episode, much to viewers’ amusement.

The Beast’s anger gets the best of him

  • During an episode from the 2024 season, Mark Labbett let out his inner beast as he exploded in a fit of anger. Close to losing the competition in the Final Chase, Mark then made a silly mistake and incorrectly answered the question, “Rabbit was a 1980 hit for which Cockney duo?” “Oh, you idiot!” he yelled at himself while slamming the table in front of him. With seconds left on the clock, the Chaser then admitted defeat, moaning “I don’t deserve to win.”

Another agreed and added: “Many toys being thrown out of many prams for the guy taking the minus £17K, but his one space and the three questions he answered in the Final Chase were the difference between everyone going home with £12.5K, and going home with nothing.”

Chetan indeed played an important role during the final chase and helped the team secure a win, resulting in a whopping £12.5k each.

Would they have done it without him? We will never know but at least Chetan proved himself. Or did he?

The Chase currently airs weekdays at 5pm on ITV

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