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Where every major character on 'Outlander' left off ahead of the show's season 7 return

Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser and Caitríona Balfe as Claire Fraser in "Outlander" season seven.
  • The time-traveling romance drama "Outlander" returns to Starz on Friday, November 22.
  • The first half of season seven aired in 2023 before the series took a lengthy midseason hiatus.
  • Here's where we left Jamie, Claire, and the rest of the characters the last time we saw them.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Outlander" season seven, part one.

The time-traveling romance drama "Outlander" finally returns on Friday after a lengthy midseason break.

The first eight episodes of the Starz drama's seventh season aired in the summer of 2023, meaning it's been more than a year since audiences last caught up with 18th-century Scottish warrior Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) and his time-hopping wife Claire Randall Fraser (Caitríona Balfe).

While season seven began with the couple once again being separated by enemy forces, by the midseason finale, the two were reunited and on a ship bound for Scotland.

If you're struggling to remember what else happened in the first half of season seven, here's a reminder of where every major character ended up when audiences saw them last.

Claire started season seven in jail and ended it returning to Scotland with Jamie.
Caitríona Balfe as Claire in "Outlander" season seven.

Claire began season seven in a jail cell in Wilmington after she was falsely accused of murdering her pregnant apprentice, Malva Christie (Jessica Reynolds).

Although Jamie was determined to free her by any means possible, it was Tom Christie (Mark Lewis Jones) who came to Claire's rescue by confessing to the murder of his daughter (although he did not do it either).

Audiences eventually learned that Tom's older son, Allan Christie (Alexander Vlahos), was the one who killed Malva. Scared that his abusive, incestuous relationship with his half-sister would be revealed because Malva did not want to lie about her child's paternity, he slit her throat.

Once freed from jail, Claire returned to Fraser's Ridge and continued her duties as the community's doctor and healer, which included delivering her granddaughter.

Not long after, Claire found herself at the center of the Revolutionary War, caring for wounded rebels fighting alongside her husband.

By the midseason finale, Claire and Jamie were making the journey back to Scotland after an unexpected turn of events at the second battle of Saratoga.

Season seven saw Jamie continue to protect his family at any cost.
Jamie Fraser in "Outlander" season seven.

While he wasn't the one to get Claire off for the murder of Malva, he did get his revenge by going after Richard Brown (Chris Larkin), the man who arrested Claire.

Following the destruction of their Fraser's Ridge home, Jamie decided to return to Scotland. However, his plan was derailed when he was conscripted and sent to Fort Ticonderoga.

During one particularly bloody battle, Jamie was knocked unconscious and left for dead. However, Claire found him just before scavengers did and nursed him back to health.

Once recovered, Jamie found himself back on duty as a rebel rifleman and tasked with taking out Simon Fraser (Angus Macfadyen), one of the British Army's most important military leaders, who also happens to be one of his relatives.

He intentionally bluffed his shot, nearly shooting his estranged son, William Ransom (Charles Vandervaalt), another redcoat officer, in the process.

However, Simon was fatally wounded in the battle. Learning of Jamie's presence in the Continental Army camp, Simon requested, in his dying breath, that Jamie do the honor of conveying his body back to their native home, Scotland.

Brianna gave birth to her second child, prompting her to return to her own time period.
Sophie Skelton as Brianna MacKenzie in "Outlander" season seven.

In the first half of season seven, Brianna (Sophie Skelton) gave birth to her and Roger's (Richard Rankin) second child together, a girl they named Amanda.

However, their moment of joy was cut short when Claire realized that the baby had a heart condition that went beyond her skill level as a surgeon. Their daughter, she told the couple, needed modern-day medical care, or she'd die.

Brianna then made the difficult decision to return to her own time period with Roger and their kids, separating them from Claire and Jamie by almost 200 years.

Once settled back into the rhythm of life in the 20th century, Brianna landed a job at a nearby dam, which brought her into contact with a new adversary named Rob Cameron (Chris Fulton).

When Rob discovered that Brianna and Roger's young son Jeremiah (Matthew Adair) knew the location of some legendary Jacobite gold, he kidnapped him in the hopes that Jeremiah would lead him to it.

Brianna and Roger were led to believe that Rob had taken Jeremiah through the stones and into the past.

Roger was forced to take another trip through the standing stones after believing his son was in danger.
Roger MacKenzie (Richard Rankin) in "Outlander" season seven.

At the start of season seven, Roger began training to become a pastor, following in the footsteps of his adopted father, Reverend Reginald Wakefield.

However, his training was interrupted when he realized that he and Brianna needed to return to their own time period.

Once back, Roger turned his attention to renovating Lallybroch, the dilapidated home that once belonged to the Fraser family, and teaching local kids the ancient Celtic language of Gaelic.

He and Brianna got a surprise when they discovered that they weren't the only ones living in the home. Buck MacKenzie (Diarmaid Murtagh), a distant relative they had previously encountered, was also taking refuge at the tower, having accidentally traveled into the future when he stopped for a respite near the standing stones.

They helped Buck acclimate to his new modern surroundings with the goal of eventually helping him return to the past. This came sooner than expected when Roger realised he too would need to travel back to the past to find his son.

He and Buck — who took an immediate dislike to Rob — made the journey to Craigh na Dun, while Brianna chose to stay behind with their daughter, believing they were safer.

Young Ian continued to serve as his uncle's right-hand man in the first half of season seven.
Ian Murray (John Bell) in "Outlander" season seven.

Young Ian (John Bell) helped Jamie hunt down Claire in Wilmington, fight in the Revolutionary War, and eventually joined the Frasers on their return to Scotland.

Elsewhere in the season, Ian discovered that he had a son. After he was dispatched to deliver a letter to someone in the Mohawk community, he ran into his former wife, Emily/Wahionhaweh (Morgan Holmstrom) — and her infant son.

Audiences may remember that Ian was instructed to return to Fraser's Ridge by the tribe elders, who said that his and his wife's spirits were in conflict after they lost two children before they were born.

When Ian met the child, who had red hair like his own and mixed ethnicity, he quickly realized he was the child's father.

Emily/Wahionhaweh confirmed this when she asked Ian to give the child an Anglicized name in case he ever decided to leave the tribe. Ian gave him the moniker Ian James, after himself.

Before the midseason finale, Ian embarked on a new romance with Quaker woman Rachel Hunter (Izzy Meikle-Small), whom he shared a parting kiss with at Ticonderoga.

Lord John Grey only appeared briefly in the first half of season seven.
Lord John Grey is played by David Berry in the Starz adaptation of "Outlander."

Fan favorite Lord John (David Berry) made a singular appearance in the first half of the season.

During a meeting with Jamie in episode two, he tried to convince the Scot to fight on behalf of the British Army rather than remain loyal to the Sons of Liberty in the Revolutionary War.

As book fans may know, Lord John has a significant story arc in the second part of "Outlander" season seven.

William unwittingly met a lot of his extended family and was left feeling uneasy about his role in the war.
William Ransom (Charles Vandervaart) in "Outlander" season seven.

While Jamie was called up to fight for the Americans, his secret biological son William was on the opposing side of the war.

Initially eager to serve the crown, William underwent a change of perspective after witnessing some of the brutalities of war, including seeing his friend Sandy Hammond (Henry Ashton) killed on the battlefield.

Throughout the season, William also came into close quarters with his extended biological family — he just didn't know it.

He had a chance run-in on the streets of Wilmington with his sister, Brianna, was rescued by Young Ian when he found himself lost in the Dismal Swamp, and even was among the British soldiers who held Claire captive in the British Army for a short while.

He and Jamie eventually came face-to-face when Jamie entered the redcoat camp to say goodbye to Simon as he was dying. While William recognized Jamie, he failed to remember the close bond they once had or spot any similarities between the two.

"Outlander" airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET on Starz, streaming on Prime Video with Starz or Hulu with Starz.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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