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EastEnders wife swapping shock plot after long-term couple’s sudden split

EASTENDERS is going to get a lot more complicated with Denise stirring up old romances.

Next week, the BBC soap will have viewers watching the fall out between two romances in EastEnders.

Denise Fox and Jack Branning will be tested this week as both face romantic complications[/caption]
Jack Branning and Denise Fox can’t deny their spark[/caption]

Denise Fox, who is single following her split from Jack Branning earlier this year, is cajoled into getting into the party spirit by pals Linda and Kim at The Vic.

Encouraging Denise to let loose, the group try to wind Denise up about her former lovers Jack and Ravi Gulati, noticing that she clearly still has feelings for both men.

When Denise and Ravi speak, it sparks jealousy in Jack as he remembers their affair a year earlier.

Whilst Denise might have returned to Jack at the time, the couple split in March this year with Denise officially ending their marriage.

Yet the couple have repeatedly been drawn back to each other, even sharing kisses recently.

Whilst Jack is filled with envy, it appears there’s someone else who has feelings for him that isn’t Denise.

Priya Nandra-Hart, ex of Ravi, tries to make a move on Jack, which quickly backfires but not before Denise is left horrified.

Later, Kim decides to play matchmaker between Ravi and Denise to see if their spark can be reignited.

Denise and Ravi’s passionate affair last year was short lived, when she discovered he was using her to get close to Jack’s confidential police files.

Ravi has his own complications with ex Priya, who he shares children  Avani and Nugget with.

Last month actor Aaron Thiara, who plays Ravi, revealed to Radio Times that there could still be a spark between Ravi and Priya.

He explained: “I think the conscious thought in his mind is that Priya is just the mother of his children, but I don’t think even he can deny there is still a draw towards her.

“I think when you share children, there will always be that magnetic connection with them. There’s so much trauma between them that is unsaid.”

EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One.

Denise Fox's biggest EastEnders storylines

Diane Parish who plays Denise Fox has been a regular fixture in Walford since 2006. Over the years she's been embroiled in some dramatic storylines, such as...

Being kidnapped by her husband Lucas Johnson 

  • In 2009, Denise reunited with Lucas, the father of her daughter Chelsea, unaware of the notorious EastEnders villain’s murderous ways. However, during the course of their marriage Denise finds out the truth, and after confessing to murdering Denise’s ex-husband Owen, she becomes his next victim.
  • To stop her from turning him into the police, Lucas fakes Denise’s death by killing a prostitute and claiming it’s her, all while keeping Denise prisoner locked up in the house next door. After weeks of torment, Denise finally escapes.

One night stand with Phil Mitchell

  • Denise has a one night stand with Phil in 2016 which results in a pregnancy. She gives birth to their son Raymond the following year. Denise was in a relationship with Kush Kazimi when she found out she was pregnant and he initially believed he was the father of the baby. However, her scan revealed that she was too far along with the pregnancy.
  • Afterward, Denise didn’t want to reveal to her family who the father of the baby was (although it is eventually revealed that it is Phil) and decided to give him up for adoption, a decision she later struggles to come to terms with.

Descending into poverty

  • In 2017, Denise struggles to get by due to employment and money troubles, but she hides the truth of her situation from her family and friends. Actress Denise Parish described this as “a very important story about social injustice.”
  • Denise was forced to eat out of bins to get by after her pride stopped her from using food banks, all while no one in her life knows she’s struggling. She pushed away her boyfriend Kush during her struggle, but eventually confessed to Kim about what she’d been going through. 

The Six 

  • During an explosive episode, Denise hit Nish Panesar with a champagne bottle on Christmas day 2023 and was also involved in covering up Keanu Taylor’s murder after he was stabbed by Linda Carter.
  • The after effects of this have had a huge impact on Denise, leading her to experience anxiety and hallucinations before being sectioned due to psychosis as The Six have continued to cover up the events of that night.

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