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Hostel owner detained by cops over death of Brit lawyer Simone White & 4 other backpackers after ‘free shots spiked’

COPS have reportedly detained the owner of a backpacker hostel where a group of tourists were staying before five of them died in a suspected poisoning.

British lawyer Simone White, 28, from Orpington, Kent, died on Thursday after she fell ill from drinking free shots laced with methanol while in Laos, South East Asia.

British tourist Simone White, 28, died yesterday
Duong Duc Toan, the manager of Nana Backpackers hostel where some of the victims were staying
Pictured: the Nana Backpacker Hostel[/caption]

The boss of Nana Backpacker Hostel in the popular tourist hotspot of Vang Vieng was detained by local police for questioning, ABC reports.

Police have not yet named the owner or given an official comment on the development.

It was at the hostel bar where the holidaymakers were served free drinks – which are suspected to have made them ill.

The venue told ABC that the drinks were not served at its bar.

Five people in total have died since drinking them last week – including a 19-year-old woman from Melbourne called Bianca Jones.

Her friend Holly Bowles, also 19, is critically ill and on life support in hospital.

Two unnamed Danish women in their twenties and an American man have also died.

Around 12 other people, including Brits, are believed to have been left seriously unwell.

Six of us who drank from the same place are in hospital currently with methanol poisoning

Bethany ClarkeFriend of Simone White

Thai police spoke to Reuters after the death of Aussie teen Bianca – confirming on Thursday that she died from “methanol poisoning”.

An official said: “The physician who examined her said the cause of death was a methanol poisoning, from fake liquor.

“The amount of methanol in her body was high, leading to swelling of the brain.”

Bianca’s devastated family previously said that she was on a “dream getaway with her best friend Holly”.

They told the Aussie Herald Sun on Thursday: “It is with the heaviest of hearts that we share the news that our beloved daughter and sister, Bianca Jones, has passed away.

“She was surrounded by love, and we are comforted by the knowledge that her incredible spirit touched so many lives during her time with us.

“We want to express our deepest gratitude for the overwhelming support, love, and prayers we’ve received from across Australia.”

Simone’s friend Bethany Clarke – also in hospital – raised the alarm with an urgent warning on the Laos Backpacking Facebook group last week.

She wrote: “Urgent — please avoid all local spirits. Our group stayed in Vang Vieng and we drank free shots offered by one of the bars.

“Just avoid them as so not worth it. Six of us who drank from the same place are in hospital currently with methanol poisoning.”

Bethany added that she was “very fatigued and then fainted, then just felt nauseous and then my liver started to shut down”.

She continued: “I got to the private hospital in time but underwent many infusions and tablets and days of recovery.”

LAOS HORROR: Who has died following the suspected methanol poisoning?

BY Ellie Doughty, Foreign News Reporter

FOUR women and a man have died following a suspected methanol poisoning in Laos, South East Asia.

Two of the women, in their 20s, were visiting from Denmark.

Another, 19-year-old Bianca Jones, was travelling with her friend Holly from Australia.

The fourth female victim – British Simone White, was a 28-year-old lawyer from Kent.

A man from the United States, thought to be in his 50s, also died.

Bianca and Holly, from Melbourne, were on a “dream getaway” together when they fell ill, Bianca’s family said this week.

The girls were both rushed to hospital where Holly is still fighting for her life in critical condition.

Bianca’s loved ones flew out to be by her bedside and were with her when she died on Thursday.

The Foreign Office yesterday confirmed it was supporting Simone’s family.

A spokesman said: “We are supporting the family of a British woman who has died in Laos, and we are in contact with the local authorities.”

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Thursday after Bianca’s death: “This is every parent’s worst fear and a nightmare no one should have to endure.

“All Australians offer them our deepest sympathy in this time of heartbreak.”

“We also take this moment to say that were thinking of Biancas friend Holly Bowles who is fighting for her life,” Albanese added.

Governments in Australia and Britain have previously warned travellers to be careful of alcoholic drinks in Laos.

Methanol is a toxic alcohol that is used industrially as a solvent, pesticide, and fuel source, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says on its website.

Australian tourist Bianca Jones, 19, also died in hospital
The tourists reportedly fell ill after partying at the Nana Backpacker Hostel (pictured) on Tuesday night last week
Holly Bowles, on holiday with her friend Bianca, is seriously ill in hospital
Bethany Clarke (pictured) spoke about the horror incident online

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