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Flurry of activities witnessed on third day of IDEAS in Karachi


KARACHI: The third day of IDEAS 2024 witnessed a flurry of activities in the city, including a spectacular Karachi Show at Nishan-i-Pakistan, Seaview, on Thursday.

The show was one of the key highlights of IDEAS 2024, featuring demonstrations by the Pakistan Army, Navy, and Air Force.

The show demonstrated Pakistan’s readiness to defend its borders and uphold the values of freedom and democracy.

It also highlights Pakistan’s advancements in the defence industry, with indigenous products meeting international standards.

Addressing the audience at Nishan-i-Pakistan, which included senior military officials, defence experts, diplomats and world industry leaders, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah expressed sincere gratitude to international guests for their participation.

The chief minister said that IDEAS 2024 under the theme “Arms for Peace” further solidified Pakistan’s position as a key player in global defence and diplomacy, with the nation firmly committed to fostering peace through strength and collaboration.

At the event, special recognition was given to the Pakistan Navy for organising an impressive display, highlighting its professionalism and dedication to safeguarding the country’s maritime interests.

The chief minister concluded the show by thanking the people of Karachi for their enthusiastic support, emphasising the city’s pivotal role as Pakistan’s maritime hub and host of international events.

Air chief visits IDEAS 2024

Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, on Thursday made a comprehensive visit to the 12th edition of the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS-2024) at Karachi Expo Centre.

This event showcases latest advancements in defence and aerospace technology, attracting both a diverse array of national and international audience, said an Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) news release.

The visit of air chief underscores the importance of technological collaboration and innovation in enhancing national defence capabilities.

The air chief visited various stalls within the National Aerospace Science & Technology Park pavilion, which is prominently showcasing cutting-edge technologies in space, cyber, artificial intelligence, electronic warfare, aerospace designing, sensors and simulators domains. He also held detailed discussions with national partners on the crucial role of technological collaboration.

Emphasising the transformation of promising start-ups into Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), he underscored the need for fostering a robust ecosystem that encourages venture capitalism to drive innovation and growth in the aerospace sector.

The chief of the air staff highlighted the importance of exploring opportunities for nurturing emerging talent and enhancing the capabilities of local industries through the National Incubation Centre for Aerospace Technology.

He also interacted with foreign delegates, where discussions were focused on exploring avenues for the sale and purchase of indigenously developed aerospace equipment, promoting a self-reliant defence industry.

Speaking on the occasion, he encouraged the establishment of the defence industry framework aimed at identifying and bridging existing gaps in the aerospace sector.

The participation of the Pakistan Air Force in IDEAS-2024 to exhibit state-of-the-art niche technologies underscores the commitment of the PAF leadership to technological achievements through National Aerospace Science & Technology Park, which has been transformed into an icon of indigenisation efforts in defence technologies and national development, fostering partnerships that ensure the security and sovereignty of Pakistan.

Naval chief inaugurates PMSTP

The ground-breaking ceremony of the country’s first Pakistan Maritime Science and Technology Park (PMSTP) was held here on Thursday at EXPO Centre during IDEAS-2024.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Naveed Ashraf graced the event as the chief guest, said a news release issued by the Directorate General Public Relations (Pakistan Navy).

Addressing the ceremony, the naval chief highlighted historic significance of the project, stating that the PMSTP would pave the way for much-needed growth in maritime sciences, technologies, businesses and industries.

He emphasised that the initiative would open new avenues for enhancing Pakistan’s GDP and advancing the maritime sector.

The naval chief further underscored that the success of the PMSTP reflected strong partnerships cultivated with visionary individuals and organisations.

The PMSTP is the country’s first dedicated maritime science park, integrating academia, industry and government in a unique collaboration to foster growth across Pakistan’s maritime sectors.

The park’s initiatives will target diverse fields, including naval technologies, artificial intelligence, cyber security, ocean renewable energy, seafood processing, shipbuilding and coastal tourism.

The PMSTP is envisioned as a transformative hub for innovation and advancement, focusing on maritime science and technology to bolster Pakistan’s blue economy.

The project represents a significant step towards addressing Pakistan’s economic challenges, with plans for expansion beyond Karachi to Islamabad, Lahore, and Gwadar.

Published in Dawn, November 22th, 2024

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