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Here's The Full Line-Up For This Year's Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special

The Strictly Come Dancing judging panel pictured during last year's Christmas special

All six stars competing in this year’s Christmas Day special of Strictly Come Dancing have been confirmed.

Over the past two weeks, Strictly bosses have been slowly teasing the festive line-up, which includes celebrity contestants from across the world of comedy, sport, TV and beyond.

These celebs will each be paired with a dancer from Strictly’s resident troupe of professional dancers, in the hope of securing the Silver Star trophy in the show’s annual festive episode.

Here’s the full list of stars taking part…

Josh Widdicombe

Josh Widdicombe is a stand-up comedian known for his appearances on shows like Taskmaster, Have I Got News For You and Live At The Apollo.

He and fellow comic Rob Beckett also present the hit podcast Parenting Hell.

“I am utterly terrified this will end in humiliation and worried I’m going to be so bad I will ruin Christmas for the nation,” he joked, questioning: “Why have I done this?”

He has been paired with Karen Hauer on the Christmas special.


Tayce is best known for her appearance on the second season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, where she made it all the way to the final.

She’s making history as the first drag performer to compete in the Strictly ballroom, where she’ll be dancing alongside Kai Widdrington.

“I cannot wait to sleigh on the Strictly ballroom floor,” Tayce said. “My partner and I are going to dance for our lives!”

The Welsh performer added: “In all seriousness, it’s an incredible honour to be the first drag artist to be taking part in Strictly Come Dancing.

“I hope I do all of my Drag Race and Welsh fans proud! Sign me up for all the glitz, glam and disco balls.”

Vogue Williams

As well as co-hosting the podcast My Therapist Ghosted Me and the documentary series On The Edge, Vogue Williams has also appeared on the reality shows Bear Grylls: Mission Survive, The Jump.

She’s no stranger to the dance floor, either, competing on the short-lived ITV show Stepping Out with then-husband Brian McFadden, as well as the Australian version of Strictly, Dancing With The Stars.

Despite this, Vogue said that her professional partner Carlos Gu has “more of a chance of winning a Nobel prize than turning me into a good dancer but I am determined to try my very best!”.

“I’m loving it so far, bring on the ballroom floor,” she added.

Harry ‘Nitro’ Aikines-Aryeetey

After initially being rumoured for the main series, Harry – known to Gladiators fans as Nitro – is actually one of this year’s Christmas contestants.

Before joining the Gladiators squad, he was an Olympic sprinter, representing Team GB in Rio back in 2016.

“Nitro’s blasting onto the Ballroom floor this Christmas!” he declared. “I’m swapping my trainers for dancing shoes, and trust me, I’m bringing the power, the energy and the moves!

“This December I’m gonna light up that dance floor and crank the Christmas spirit all the way up. Let’s do this!”

He’ll be paired with Nancy Xu in the Christmas Day broadcast.

Tamzin Outhwaite

EastEnders favourite Tamzin Outhwaite will be performing with Nikita Kuzmin on the Christmas Day special.

As well as originating the role of Mel Owen in EastEnders, Tamzin has appeared in Doctor Who, New Tricks, The Fixer and Red Cap.

She said: “I’m so excited to swap the stage for the Strictly ballroom this Christmas. I’m used to performing in front of a live audience, but this is a whole new experience.

“I can’t wait to immerse myself in all things glitter and sequins, let’s hope the judges show Nikita and I some extra festive cheer this Christmas!”

Billy Monger

Completing Strictly’s Christmas line-up for 2024 is Formula 3 racing driver Billy Monger.

As well as his racing career, Billy is also a sports commentator and disability activist, having had both his legs amputated after an accident during a race in 2017.

“I’ve spent the last 12 months training 20 hours a week for an Ironman world record attempt, but the thought of donning sequins in front of Craig Revel Horwood fills me with a fear I’ve never experienced before,” he admitted.

“This is about as far from my comfort zone as it can get! My family are big Strictly fans, so I’m doing it for them and to raise awareness for what I’m doing for Comic Relief next year. I’m just hoping my leg doesn’t fall off mid-dance!”

Billy – who will be performing with Nadiya Bychkova in the Christmas special – previously competed on the first celebrity special of Race Across The World alongside his sister Bonny.

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