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Where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls: Stream Season 3 online

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Pauline Chalamet, Amrit Kaur, Alyah Chanelle Scott, and Reneé Rapp in "The Sex Lives of College Girls."

Sophomore year has finally arrived in the long-awaited third season of The Sex Lives of College Girls. We've compiled everything you need to know about where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls, including global live streaming options.

Set at the fictitious Essex College, The Sex Lives of College Girls follows four students who become unlikely friends after being roomed together in the same suite in their freshman year. The comedy, which first premiered in 2021, comes from Mindy Kaling and Justin Noble. The series stars Pauline Chalamet, Alyah Chanelle Scott, Amrit Kaur, and Reneé Rapp, although it was announced that Rapp (who starred in the Mean Girls musical movie earlier this year and has spent much of 2023 and 2024 focusing on her music) would be departing the series in the third season. She'll still appear in some episodes in a recurring capacity before leaving, according to Variety, but it's unknown how or exactly when this season Rapp will officially depart.

Fans from around the world can tune into the latest season of The Sex Lives of College Girls. Keep reading to learn how to watch the new episodes, and make sure to check out the trailer below.

Where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls in the US

All seasons of The Sex Lives of College Girls are available to stream on Max in the US. New episodes from Season 3 drop on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. The season premieres on November 21, 2024, and will last ten episodes, with a finale scheduled for January 23, 2025. Subscriptions start at $10/month for the ad-supported tier, but you can upgrade to an ad-free experience for $17/month. If you're planning to hang onto your subscription for a while, you can find some savings by subscribing to an annual plan.

Where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls in Canada

Crave is the streaming home of The Sex Lives of College Girls in Canada. The streaming service currently hosts the first two seasons and will drop new episodes of Season 3 on Thursdays. The service starts at $10/month for the Basic ad-supported plan. For an ad-free experience, you'll need to upgrade to Premium for $22/month since the middle Standard plan still has ads.

Where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls in the UK

Seasons 1 and 2 of The Sex Lives of College Girls are available to stream on ITVX in the UK. This is a free streaming option that only requires account creation to use. A Season 3 premiere date hasn't been announced yet, but we'll keep this page updated with any news.

Where to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls in Australia

The Sex Lives of College Girls streams on Binge in Australia. Basic subscriptions start at $10/month and include a seven-day free trial for new customers. You can upgrade to a Standard plan for $19/month for an ad-free experience. Seasons 1 and 2 are currently available to stream, and new episodes of Season 3 will become available on Fridays.

How to watch The Sex Lives of College Girls from anywhere

If you're traveling away from home when a new episode drops, you can still keep up with your usual streaming methods with the help of a VPN (virtual private network). VPNs are handy cybersecurity tools that enable people to change their virtual location, allowing their go-to apps and websites to function just like they would back home. Most of the services we've highlighted (the UK aside) require country-specific payment methods, so this option will work best for people who are just traveling abroad at the moment.

If you're not sure where to start when it comes to VPNs, ExpressVPN is a great entry point. It's a user-friendly option with a 30-day money-back guarantee and tons of other perks, which we outline in our ExpressVPN review.

The Sex Lives of College Girls Season 3 trailer

Max dropped the official Season 3 trailer at the end of October. Set to Chappell Roan's "Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl," the video shows what Kimberly, Bela, Whitney, Leighton, and their friends are up to as Sophomore year finally begins. Check out the full trailer below:

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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