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One-off cost of living payments worth up to £100 being handed out to hard-up pensioners – can you get one?

THOUSANDS of hard up pensioners could receive support worth up to £100 this winter to help with the cost of living.

The scheme is being offered to residents in the Isle of Wight who can claim support via the Household Support Fund.

The scheme was originally rolled out in 2021 to help vulnerable people cope with the rising cost of living[/caption]
Pensioners who receive council tax support but who are not eligible for Pension Credit can apply for a one-off utility voucher worth £75[/caption]

This will now run until March 2025 after being extended last month.

The scheme was originally rolled out in 2021 to help vulnerable people cope with the rising cost of living.

It has been extended many times, with the government promising to pump a further £1billion into the fund over 2025 and 2026.

Local councils pay out the money, and how much you get depends on your financial circumstances and what benefits you receive.

The latest support package is offering a one-off food voucher of £25 per household to those in receipt of Local Council Tax Support.

This will be transferred to recipients automatically.

Pensioners who receive council tax support but who are not eligible for Pension Credit can apply for a one-off utility voucher worth £75.

The Household Support Fund is also offering a top-up food voucher scheme for those in desperate need.

Other forms of support include grants to help islanders in emergencies and food provision funding to local communities.

The council will also work with Island providers to help financially desperate residents with other forms of assistance during this period.

Councillor Debbie Andre, Cabinet member for adult social care and Public Health, told Island echo: “It’s vital that we continue to support those most in need across the Island, particularly as we head into the winter months.

“We still find ourselves in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis and times remain tough, but I hope this announcement will go some way towards reassuring families struggling to make ends meet that support is there to help them pay their bills, put food on the table or access other support and advice to assist them.”

What if I don’t live in the Isle of Wight?

It is not only households in the Isle of White which are eligible for Household Support Fund.

Household Support Fund explained

Sun Savers Editor Lana Clements explains what you need to know about the Household Support Fund.

If you’re battling to afford energy and water bills, food or other essential items and services, the Household Support Fund can act as a vital lifeline.

The financial support is a little-known way for struggling families to get extra help with the cost of living.

Every council in England has been given a share of £421million cash by the government to distribute to local low income households.

Each local authority chooses how to pass on the support. Some offer vouchers whereas others give direct cash payments.

In many instances, the value of support is worth hundreds of pounds to individual families.

Just as the support varies between councils, so does the criteria for qualifying.

Many councils offer the help to households on selected benefits or they may base help on the level of household income.

The key is to get in touch with your local authority to see exactly what support is on offer.

And don’t delay, the scheme has been extended until April 2025 but your council may dish out their share of the Household Support Fund before this date.

Once the cash is gone, you may find they cannot provide any extra help so it’s crucial you apply as soon as possible. 

Some examples of what other councils are doing include Rotherham Council, which is now offering struggling families £250 grants to fight the cost of living.

Rotherham Council says that to qualify for the grant, residents must have no more than £150 remaining each month after covering essential expenses such as food, rent or mortgage, and utility bills.

You do not need to be on benefits to apply for the fund.

Newcastle Council has been awarded £2.9million to help struggling families this winter.

Some £950,000 of that fund will be given to those who are pensionable age in receipt of Council Tax Support or Housing Benefit but who don’t qualify for the Winter Fuel Allowance.

Everyone who is identified as eligible for this support will be contacted directly in December by the council with their payment.

Sandwell Council has also been allocated more than £3.4million for the period up to March 2025 to help struggling families.

The council is using the funds to give 4,000 pensioners on low incomes a £200 payment.

To be eligible, you must receive council tax reduction, but not Pension Credit.

This payment will be sent to eligible households in a letter that can be cashed at a Post Office.

Meanwhile, The Sun previously revealed a full list of councils providing extra support for pensioners this winter through the fund.

You can check that out here.

How to know if you qualify?

Financial support available to struggling households varies from council to council, so it is worth checking what schemes your local council offers to ensure you get all the support you need. 

The benefits you already receive will not be affected by applying for the HSF. 

And, you do not necessarily need to receive benefits in the first place  to get vouchers or funds from the HSF.

To get the help, you’ll need to check with your council – as local authorities are in charge of distributing the funding.

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