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В 2024 году на рынок новостроек в Москве вышло 137 проектов

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Bargain supermarkets selling real Christmas trees from today – prices start from just £13.99

SHOPPERS are running to get their hands on these Christmas trees, which cost as little as £13.99.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Aldi and Lidl, where savvy buyers can nab a small, medium or large tree at a heavily discounted price.

A Large Christmas Tree from Lidl for just £26.99[/caption]
This large Aldi Christmas tree costs £19.99[/caption]

If you’re heading to Aldi you can bag a large Nordman fir for just £19.99, which measures a whopping 200cm.

For just £13.99 you can get a medium sized tree that measures between 160 and 180cm.

There are even more discounts to be found at Lidl which is offering a whole array of festive items.

For just £16.99 you can buy a medium sized Christmas tree that has been “hand pruned” giving it its unique “full” and “bushy” shape.

It boasts “soft but strong” needles, according to the discount supermarket’s site, and is “ideal” for decorating.

The website recommends sawing off 5cm off the base of the trunk and placing the tree in a water holding stand.

To get the best out of your festive fir, Lidl suggests keeping the water topped up daily as, just like flowers the tree will need hydration.

For those with a bigger space, the superstore is offering a large Christmas tree for a staggering £26.99.

This is a massive discount compared to other retailers where Christmas trees can often cost hundreds of pounds.

Just like its smaller friend, the large fir has been pruned to give it a “bushy shape”.

Its strong needles and branches are also “ideal” for decorating, according to the website.

You can even get your hands on a festive wreath for as little as £7.99 or a deluxe version for just £11.99.

All of these items are available to buy in the Lidl store.

For more information on how to get the best bargains, go to Trolley.co.uk where you’ll find price comparisons for thousands of products.

How to save on your Christmas shopping

JUST because something is on offer, or is part of a sale, it doesn't mean it's always a good deal.

There are plenty of comparison websites out there that’ll check prices for you – so don’t be left paying more than you have to.

Most of them work by comparing the prices across hundreds of retailers.

Here are some that we recommend:

  • Google Shopping is a tool that lets users search for and compare prices for products across the web. Simply type in keywords, or a product number, to bring up search results.
  • Price Spy logs the history of how much something costs from over 3,000 different retailers, including Argos, Amazon, eBay and the supermarkets. Once you select an individual product you can quickly compare which stores have the best price and which have it in stock.
  • Idealo is another website that lets you compare prices between retailers. All shoppers need to do is search for the item they need and the website will rank them from the cheapest to the most expensive one.
  • CamelCamelCamel only works on goods being sold on Amazon. To use it, type in the URL of the product you want to check the price of

This comes as a man has revealed that his food shop costs him around just £30 a week thanks to Aldi and Lidl buys.

Cameron, a content creator who regularly shares tips on how to save cash online, recently swore by eight hacks that’ll help you pocket pounds on your food shop.

The savvy saver explained that his food shop costs a total of £120 a month and to keep the costs so low, he shops at Aldi and Lidl.

He claimed that such supermarkets are “by far the cheapest” and save him hundreds of pounds over the course of a year.

Not only this, but he explained: “I map out a weekly food plan so I know exactly what I need to buy and how much I need to spend.

“I then keep track of what I spend as I go to make sure I don’t go over budget, or you could bring cash.”

When it comes to going grocery shopping, he advised people to avoid the shops on an empty stomach, to reduce temptations to overspend on unnecessary snacks and treats.

In addition to this, he shared why he never buys chicken breasts or pasta sauce, as he claimed: “I cook everything from scratch, which means I only buy raw ingredients, like tinned tomatoes, rice, pasta, raw meats and vegetables, as pre-prepared sauces and meals are way overpriced.

“I don’t buy chicken breasts – instead I go for cheaper meats like chicken thighs or drumsticks as well as mince with higher percentage fat.”

Christmas trees can sometimes cost hundreds of pounds[/caption]

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