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Cops share new CCTV of ‘killer’ husband and wife on ‘night she was murdered’ – days before body found in car boot

COPS have released chilling new CCTV footage of a ‘killer’ husband and his wife days before her body was found in a car boot.

Harshita Brella, 24, was discovered dead inside a silver Vauxhall in Ilford, east London, in the early hours of Thursday, November 14.

Harshita Brella, 24, was found dead inside a car boot[/caption]
CCTV/ Northamptonshire Police
Cops have released new CCTV footage showing the pair just hours before her suspected death[/caption]
Harshita’s husband Pankaj Lamba, 23, is a prime suspect in the case[/caption]

Cops said they believed her husband Pankaj Lamba, 23, was responsible for the killing and had since fled the country.

The fresh CCTV grabs show Lamba and Harshita together in the area of a boating lake on Sunday, November 10.

Detectives believe Harshita was murdered the same evening.

The pair appear to have been last spotted at Corby Boating Lake, on Cottingham Road and Westcott Way.

Officers confirmed they have searched the site as part of their ongoing investigation.

Detectives also appealed to anyone who was in that area between 6pm and 9pm on Sunday.

Northamptonshire Police previously attended Harshita’s address on November 13 after receiving a call regarding concerns for her welfare.

After the grim discovery in the capital the following morning, a forensic postmortem examination carried out at Leicester Royal Infirmary gave the preliminary cause of death as strangulation.

They suspect Lamba transported Harshita’s body from Corby to Ilford by car after killing her.

The vehicle was left parked in Brisbane Road, Ilford, and detectives believe Lamba then fled the country.

Detectives have been trawling through hours of CCTV footage in Corby and Ilford.

Earlier this week, the force released images of Mr Lamba in the Ilford area and issued an urgent appeal for information.

They are now urging anyone who was in the Cottingham Road area of Corby on the evening of Sunday, November 10, who may have dashcam footage or other information to come forward.

Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Johnny Campbell from the East Midlands Special Operations Major Crime Unit (EMSOU), said: “Our inquiries have established that Pankaj and Harshita were in the area of the boating lake on Sunday evening, and as part of our ongoing investigation we have carried out searches in the surrounding area.

CCTV photo issued by Northamptonshire Police of Pankaj Lamba in Ilford[/caption]
The police have also shared a picture of the Vauxhall car the body was found in
Northamptonshire Police

“We know that it’s a busy part of the town and there will have been a lot of passing traffic. As such, we’re appealing to anyone who was in Corby between 6pm and 9pm on Sunday, November 10, specifically in the area around the Corby Boating Lake, Cottingham Road and Westcott Way.

“If you have any dashcam footage, or other information that may be relevant to the investigation, however small, please contact us as soon as possible.

“Any information you have may help us piece together exactly what happened to Harshita and help bring her killer to justice.”

Assistant Chief Constable Emma James said: “Following Harshita’s death, Northamptonshire Police reviewed the Force’s handling of an investigation which was launched following a domestic abuse allegation by Harshita Brella on August 29.

“The investigation was owned by a specialist detective from within the Domestic Abuse Investigation Team.

“Harshita was identified as being at high risk of domestic abuse and was immediately assigned an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA). A referral was also made to the MARAC (Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference), sharing information with partners and collectively formulating a safety plan.

“Harshita was placed in a refuge and visited and contacted by officers on a number of occasions throughout the investigation.

“The alleged perpetrator was identified, quickly arrested and bailed with conditions.

“Northamptonshire Police actively sought and obtained a Domestic Violence Protection Notice (DVPN) and a Domestic Violence Protection Order was authorised at Northampton Magistrates Court on September 5 which remained in place for 28 days whilst the investigations continued against the alleged perpetrator.

“This case has been referred for a Domestic Homicide Review which will seek to identify any learning.”

It comes after Harshita’s heartbroken family revealed she “didn’t lead a happy life” in the UK.

Dad Satbir Brella demanded “justice” for his daughter from the family home in Delhi, India.

Her sister Sonia Dabas described how Harshita was “very excited” to move to the UK in April following an arranged marriage with Lamba.

Her father told the BBC: “I want my son-in-law to be brought to justice and I want my daughter’s body brought home.”

Harshita’s mother Sudesh Kumari added: “I just want justice for my daughter.”

Ms Dabas said her sister “didn’t live a very happy life in London“.

She continued: “She struggled a lot because of her husband. She said he was hitting her and she escaped.

“She ran out on the streets, he chased after her and hit her there as well.”

Sonia’s husband Tarun Dabas wrote on X: “Our world has been turned upside down.

“Harshita Brella just 24 years old was found murdered in the boot of a car in East London. Her husband Pankaj Lamba is the main suspect.

“He has now fled the country and an international manhunt is underway.

How you can get help

Women's Aid has this advice for victims and their families:

  • Always keep your phone nearby.
  • Get in touch with charities for help, including the Women’s Aid live chat helpline and services such as SupportLine.
  • If you are in danger, call 999.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Silent Solution, reporting abuse without speaking down the phone, instead dialing “55”.
  • Always keep some money on you, including change for a pay phone or bus fare.
  • If you suspect your partner is about to attack you, try to go to a lower-risk area of the house – for example, where there is a way out and access to a telephone.
  • Avoid the kitchen and garage, where there are likely to be knives or other weapons. Avoid rooms where you might become trapped, such as the bathroom, or where you might be shut into a cupboard or other small space.

If you are a ­victim of domestic abuse, SupportLine is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on 01708 765200. The charity’s email support ­service is open weekdays and weekends during the crisis – messageinfo@supportline.org.uk.

Women’s Aid provides a live chat service – available weekdays from 8am-6pm and weekends 10am-6pm.

You can also call the freephone 24-hour ­National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

“We’re calling on the UK and Indian governments to act swiftly to capture him. Harshita deserves justice. Her voice must be heard.

“Please help us seek #JusticeForHarshitaBrella. Please help to find the suspect.”

neighbour revealed she heard two blistering rows, one involving a woman who “sounded scared”, in the days before her body was discovered.

Kelly Philp, Harshita’s neighbour in Corby, said she overheard an argument between a man and a woman on Wednesday.

“They were arguing in a different language so I couldn’t understand what was being said,” the 41-year-old told the Daily Mirror.

“But it sounded angry and there were raised voices and the woman sounded scared.

“I heard a commotion between a man and a woman and I heard banging around.

“I didn’t call police. I just thought it was a relationship argument.”

She described feeling “vulnerable” and “on edge” after learning about the fate of her neighbour.

“I feel so sad about the loss of the lass. I can’t get over it,” she said. “I can’t believe it.”

Ms Philip said she had also overheard two men arguing in a foreign language early on Saturday, shortly after she heard a back gate slam shut.

Cops shared CCTV in their hunt for Pankaj Lamba earlier this week
Northamptonshire Police
CCTV image of Lamba on Sunday
Terry Harris
A bird’s eye view of the victim’s home[/caption]

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