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Top chef forced to suddenly close former Michelin restaurant – just months after it lost its star

A TOP chef has been forced to close down his Michelin-starred restaurant just months after it lost its star.

Leroy, in Leonard Street, Shoreditch, sadly announced its closure after seven years of serving devoted fans.

Fans were devastated to hear of the sudden closure[/caption]
Leroy, in Shoreditch, London, was famous for its reasonable Michelin star prices[/caption]
Head chef Simon Shand (pictured) worked at the popular restaurant alongside another top chef, Sam Kamienko[/caption]

Simon Shand was the head chef at the former Michelin-starred restaurant, opened by Ed Thaw and Jack Lewens in 2018.

The pair also owned the prestigious Ellory in Hackney, before that closed down after two and a half years.

They were joined by another top chef, Sam Kamienko, and Leroy proudly achieved a Michelin star just months after welcoming customers.

But now the beloved restaurant has officially turned off their ovens for the last time.

In an Instagram post, the team said: “It has been quite the ride but sadly nothing lasts forever.

“We fought hard against the dying of the light but sometimes there is a time to let go.

“Our heart breaks not to be able to continue the journey but we can leave knowing that we did all we could.

“Despite what our government may think, this is a noble profession and indeed any small business owner has our enduring respect.”

Fans were devastated to hear the news and hailed Leroy for its famous dishes.

One penned: “Don’t let this passing sadness overshadow your greatness & influence on the East London food & wine scene

“On the frontier of low intervention wine as it is today & defining the way we all dine now. You’re epic. Unforgettable. Definitive.”

Another added: “Filled with so much emotion and pride for you dearest bro @edonist_ldn.

“Shoreditch has lost a precious jewel in its crown!

“Leroy was a vibe. You and your stellar team nailed it all: the food, wine, ambiance, service & music, the @louisesheeran illustrations adorning the walls & iconic neon signage outside, the intriguing shape of the corner dining space….

“So much to commend & treasure. I will miss you Leroy and I will not forget you.”

Leroy was praised for its simple, French-inspired dishes that could be paired with any number of wines from their eclectic list.

It was known as one of the most affordable Michelin-starred restaurants in the UK.

But, it sadly lost its star in February earlier this year.

The sudden closure highlights the ongoing struggles faced by the UK hospitality sector, which has been hit hard by soaring costs and dwindling support.

This comes as another top chef was forced to shut his Michelin-starred restaurant overnight, claiming the decision was completely out of his hands.

The eatery shut over the weekend after the landlord “made the decision to close” the doors.

The Collective, in Leeds, was celebrated for its modern take on British cuisine and had garnered a loyal following since opening.

In a heartfelt statement, the team revealed they had been working on plans to relaunch in January but were blindsided by the closure.

They said: “It is with a heavy heart that we share this update with you.

“After long negotiations, the landlord made the decision to close our doors overnight.”

Rogan and his team had intended to honour bookings through the end of the year but said the decision was “completely out of our hands.”

The statement added: “We’ve worked tirelessly to keep our vision alive, exploring every possible option to move forward.

“However, the recent budget and ongoing economic challenges have made it clear that continuing to trade in our current location is no longer feasible.”

Elsewhere, a chef who worked at one of Jamie Oliver’s restaurants has announced he will shutter his food spot, leaving diners devastated.

Meanwhile, former Masterchef finalist Tony Rodd was forced to close his restaurant in Blackheath whilst Michel Roux Jr closed the doors on his iconic restaurant Gavroche in January after 56 years in business.

Experts say the cost of living crisis has left customers favouring a cheap dinner over splashing out on fancy evenings out in expensive restaurants, and this has made celeb chefs think twice about whether it’s worth continuing to run their business.

What is happening to the hospitality industry?

By Laura McGuire, consumer reporter

MANY Food and drink chains have been struggling in recently as the cost of living has led to fewer people spending on eating out.

Businesses had been struggling to bounce back after the pandemic, only to be hit with soaring energy bills and inflation.

Multiple chains have been affected, resulting in big-name brands like Wetherspoons and Frankie & Benny’s closing branches.

Some chains have not survived, Byron Burger fell into administration last year, with owners saying it would result in the loss of over 200 jobs.

Pizza giant, Papa Johns is shutting down 43 of its stores soon.

Tasty, the owner of Wildwood, said it will shut sites as part of major restructuring plans.

The restaurant opened in March 2018[/caption]
It was known for its French-inspired dishes and extensive wine list[/caption]

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