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We tried & tested 5 of the best thermals on the high street – the exact set to buy that’ll keep you warm all winter

THERMAL clothing – what was once drab long johns and off-white vests – used to be something that was worn but rarely seen.

But we are in the middle of a thermal revolution, with dowdy undergarms being given a total revamp.

Damart’s products are called Thermolactyl and are graded from soft to intense warmth[/caption]

Here, we pick thermal clobber that actually looks cool, while model Didi Danso decides if they are hot or not.

Plus, our thermal camera reveals which items keep you toastiest – with the deeper purple shades showing the highest heat retention, and the lightest yellow and white showing heat loss.


Best specialist

The thermal camera image is showing lots of heat coming from Didi’s body thanks to the thermals[/caption]

EVERYTHING Didi is wearing is from Damart’s thermal section which has a tab on its website.

The products are called Thermolactyl and are graded from soft to intense warmth so you can decide just how toasty you want to be.

The thermal camera image is showing lots of heat coming from Didi’s body thanks to the thermals, but the purple area in particular is where the heat is being retained the most.

Didi says: “The thermal coat feels really warm even though the material is quite thin, and the clothes actually warm up after a few minutes of wearing them which is unusual but feels good. My whole body felt warm but they have gone for practicality over style.”

Coat, £129; long-sleeve top, £32; leggings, £22; socks, £9 pack of 2; shoes, £79


Best variety

M&S offers nearly 200 options for women on their website[/caption]
You can see from the thermal image that these thermals do retain some heat[/caption]

M&S offers a range of thermals, with nearly 200 options for women on its website.

Here, Didi is wearing a top and tights and you can see from the thermal image that they do retain some heat.

However, the hue is closer to yellow than orange on the shins.

This look proves you can style thermals with skirts or dresses for an everyday look.

Didi says: “The tights and the top are warm ­– you can definitely tell they are the thermal pieces in this look and the fabric feels warm and snug.

“The coat isn’t specifically thermal but it’s got feather down and it’s one of the warmest. The pockets in the coat are fleece-lined which makes a difference.”

Coat, £79; top, £20; skirt, £29.50; tights, £10; boots, £65


Best value

Primark sells thermals for less than £10[/caption]
Our image shows they do retain heat, with the yellow darker on the legs and an orangey colour on the chest where her coat is opening[/caption]

YES, Primark sells thermals. They are mainly in base layers – the coat and scarf are from the budget brand’s regular range.

But if you’re looking for thermals under £10 there are some great options and our image shows they do retain heat, with the yellow darker on the legs and an orangey colour on the chest where her coat is opening.

Didi says: “This is quite cosy. I didn’t think it would be as it was from Primark but they’ve not scrimped on the design as I do feel warm on my body.

“The top isn’t totally plain either with nice detailing for an added touch.

“While these are very basic thermals, they do the job.”

Coat, £38; scarf, £5; top, £7; leggings, £5.50; boots, £22; bag, £14


Best fashion

Next have a range of burgundy thermals that are bang on trend[/caption]
Next brand thermals retain some heat, but overall the outfit wasn’t great at keeping out the cold[/caption]

THERMOGEN is Next’s brand of thermals and there is a range of burgundy pieces that are bang on trend.

Didi is wearing a top and tights – with a skirt, boots and coat from Next’s regular range.

The long-sleeve body has a v-neckline with lace trim detail which looks good enough to wear out.

While Didi’s torso is closer to yellow than orange on the camera image, this shows it retains some heat, but overall the outfit wasn’t great at keeping out the cold.

Didi says: “I’m not finding this very warm compared to others. But I like the colour of the top. This feels more stylish than others.”

Coat, £74; long-sleeve body, £24; skirt, £35; tights, £12.50; boots, £48


Best heat retention

Uniqlo’s Heattech range is one of the high street’s most successful thermal offerings[/caption]
The thermal camera image shows her legs are warmer than with any other brand[/caption]

UNIQLO’S Heattech range is one of the high street’s biggest and most successful thermal offerings.

As well as basic thermals, it offers gloves, scarves and coats.

Everything Didi is wearing here is from the regular Heattech range except from the shoes and coat.

The thermal camera image shows her legs are warmer than with any other brand.

Uniqlo also does an UItra Warm range for minus temperatures.

Didi says: “These joggers have a fleece lining and keep my legs warmer than the tights or leggings from the other brands. The gloves are lovely – as soon as you put your hands in they are warm and snuggly. The best bit? These are fashionable – while some brands compromise on style this one doesn’t.”

Coat, £59.50; scarf, £19.90; hat, £14.90; top, £19.90; joggers, £24.90; socks, £7.90; gloves, £19.90

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