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First look at Molly-Mae Hague’s new TV show after she lands big money deal with Prime Video

MOLLY-MAE Hague is set to give millions of fans an unprecedented look at her life like never before, in her very own Prime Video docu-series.

The six-part series will premiere on Prime Video on January 17 with the first three episodes.

Amazon Prime
Molly-Mae Hague has revealed a first look at her new docu-series about her life[/caption]
Tommy Fury and Molly-Mae Hague split in August[/caption]
Instagram / @mollymae
Molly-Mae opened up on the ‘dark times’ following the birth of her daughter Bambi[/caption]

The final three episodes will air in Spring 2025.

A sneak peek shows the Love Island star turned businesswoman, 25, filming the upcoming TV show, whilst seated on a cream-coloured sofa in a cozy living room.

Molly-Mae is dressed in a white shirt and appears relaxed as a film crew surrounds her in a behind-the-scenes look at the making of her documentary.

The series, described as “raw, real, and redefining,” promises to take viewers beyond her curated social media presence and “behind the headlines.

It will chronicle her journey through the challenges of being a single mum to daughter Bambi, her highly publicised split with Tommy Fury, and the launch of her new business venture, Maebe.

The Maebe founder launched her fashion firm in September and her first drop of the brand sold out in just 24 minutes.

The star has amassed a huge fanbase, and is known for being frank with her online following.

Molly admitted she went “to hell and back” last year after giving birth to Bambi.

She also opened up about becoming a mother on her YouTube and admitted has had a challenging mindset shift.

She revealed: “Weird topic and I haven’t really spoken about this because I know it’s quite a triggering and a very sensitive topic, and I avoid normally at all costs talking about anything sensitive on my channel because the last thing I want to do is ever offend anybody.

“But ever since I’ve had Bambi, so two years now, I have had a really, really bad relationship with exercise and my eating.

“It’s hard because I developed this mindset a couple of years ago, if I don’t want to do something, I’m not going to do it, aka exercise because I feel like when I used to exercise a lot, I felt like I had to exercise.

“Then I went the polar opposite way and was like, actually if I don’t wanna exercise I don’t need to exercise.

“I kind of convinced myself that I don’t need to do anything that I don’t wanna do and I don’t wanna exercise so therefore I’m not gonna exercise.

“So now, for the last two years, I’ve actually barely exercised at all.” 

Molly-Mae will show fans the highs and lows of her life[/caption]
She is a mum to daughter Bambi[/caption]

Molly-Mae's glow-down from ‘glamour model’ to ‘yummy mummy’

Celebrity PR Expert, Ed Hopkins told Fabulous: “I believe Molly-Mae Hague‘s new look is more than just a style change but a powerful statement of who she is becoming. 

“It underscores her journey towards authenticity, maturity, and sophistication and is likely to enhance her success and influence in the years to come.”

Brand and Culture Expert Nick Ede agreed, and told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae has transformed herself into a yummy mummy who has ditched the glamour model style for a more relaxed and natural look. 

“She’s becoming more down to earth and relatable to people and cleverly showing a softer side which will win her legions more fans in the process.”  

According to Ed Hopkins, Molly-Mae’s chic new look could be “highly lucrative” for the star.

Ed told Fabulous: “Molly-Mae Hague’s transformation towards a more natural, chic look seems to be a testament to her personal growth and evolving style. 

“This change, which has become more pronounced since she became a mother, appears to reflect her journey towards embracing authenticity and sophistication.

“It’s possible that this new image could be highly lucrative for Molly-Mae. 

“Her chic, understated style might appeal to a wider audience, including more mature demographics and high-end brands, potentially opening up lucrative endorsement deals and partnerships. 

“By adopting a more elegant look, she seems to align herself with premium and luxury brands that favour natural beauty and sophistication, which could lead to higher-paying collaborations. 

“Additionally, with consumers increasingly valuing authenticity and natural beauty, her new image could be both timely and marketable.”

Nick Ede agreed and told Fabulous: “She has started to promote some really great luxury brands including the cosmetics brand Tatcha and with her laid back look she will make a lot of money from brands looking to align with her.” 

Ed also noted that Molly-Mae’s transformation may be a sign that she is looking to step away from her reality show past.

He continued: “Molly-Mae’s transformation also seems to symbolise her desire even more so to well and truly step out of the shadow of her Love Island persona. 

“The shift to a more mature and unique style appears to demonstrate her growth and her wish to be seen as an individual beyond her reality TV beginnings.

“By shedding the bold, flashy look associated with her time on Love Island, she might be rebranding herself as a serious businesswoman and influencer who is carving out her own identity. 

“This new look helps her stand out in the crowded influencer market, showcasing her as a trendsetter with a distinctive, refined aesthetic.”

Nick agreed and claimed: “Shedding the flash looks she previously went for, she’s also detaching herself from the Love Island stereotype and stepping out as her own person with a cool look that’s not flashy but totally on trend. 

“Gone are the ‘look at me’ posts and in are family style posts and trend led fashion statements.” 

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