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U.S. Olympic finalist Forrest Molinari explains why she believes more women’s wrestlers haven’t flocked to MMA yet

Photo by Tim Nwachukwu/Getty Images

One of the top wrestlers from the United States is set to make her MMA debut on Friday when U.S. Olympic trials runner-up Forrest Molinari competes for the first time in a featured bout at the Borroka 1 event in Las Vegas.

But Molinari’s entry into the sport is actually a rarity compared to many of the top men’s wrestlers from the U.S., who flock to MMA after their competitive careers on the mats are over.

While 2004 Olympic silver medalist Sara McMann was the first seriously credential women’s wrestler to make a sizable impact in the sport, she also remains the only woman with any Olympic wrestling experience to compete the UFC level. Two-time World bronze medalist Tatiana Suarez is another example but largely the top women’s wrestlers haven’t made the transition into MMA at least in the same numbers as their male counterparts.

“I think obviously in the states, men and women’s freestyle wrestling is so good and we’re one of the best countries in the world,” Molinari explained. “I think where the sports are at in their lifetime cycles and that’s why you’re seeing a difference. Now with the women’s side, we’re growing so fast and we’re showing year after year we’re a force to be reckoned with, we’re challenging the best people in the world and we’re a powerhouse. I think that is fueling more women to stay in wrestling longer. That’s an exciting time to a part of women’s wrestling when we are showing that we’re so good.

“On the men’s side, we’re already so deep, you’re seeing more and more guys go wrestle for other countries because they can’t make our teams in the states but they can go medal at the World and Olympic level games. We’re just that deep.”

Women’s wrestling has exploded at the international level in recent years but it’s easy to forget that the Olympics didn’t even feature a women’s division until 2004.

Over the past 20 years, women’s wrestling has evolved at an exponential rate but Molinari knows that growth has primarily led to more people getting involved at the collegiate athletics and then moving onto compete at the national and international level.

But Molinari believes as time passes with more and more women competing in wrestling, that the numbers of athletes eventually moving to MMA will only increase.

“I just think where the sports are at in their life cycles is why you’re seeing that difference where a lot of women aren’t going over to MMA,” Molinari said. “But a lot of guys are going to MMA because the depth is just so much that after a while these guys are like I’m just not breaking through that final level to become a World champ or whatever part they’re trying to get to but maybe MMA, I can do this.

“They just see the difference in their skill and athleticism and the grit that wrestlers have. That’s what I think it is right now. They’re just in different stages.”

With her debut fight now just days away, Molinari really hopes that she can serve as an example to more women’s wrestlers interested in getting involved with fighting in the future.

MMA isn’t going to be for everybody but Molinari has really learned to embrace every aspect of the sport since she really dedicated herself to training six months ago.

“I’m hoping I can change that,” Molinari said. “No one has come over from women’s wrestling in a long time and obviously everyone knew I was going to fight but now it’s actually here. It’s different when it’s actually here and you’ve been waiting years for this to happen. I’m hoping I can go in there and really put women’s wrestling on the map in a different way for MMA. That can pave the way for a lot more women to come over after their wrestling careers.

“Hopefully more girls see me fight and dominate the same way I did in wrestling and want to try it. There are a lot of tough, gritty girls out there that could do very well in MMA.”

Perhaps the most encouraging part about Molinari’s transition into MMA has been her ability to fall in love with the sport in much the same way she did with wrestling.

There were definitely days when she got frustrated — particularly during some early jiu-jitsu classes — but she’s really started to love the sport and she expects more women’s wrestlers will do the same in the future.

“We’re only six months into MMA but I can feel the hunger for it is the same,” Molinari said. “It’s not like I was wrestling and I was so hungry in wrestling to be the best and then I come to MMA and I’m just doing it for fun. No, I’m doing this to be the best just like in wrestling. That’s where that passion is the same.”

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