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Amazon's Most Popular Hiking Boots Are Just $43 for Black Friday, and Shoppers Say They're 'Absolutely Incredible'

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Now that Amazon has officially kicked off its Black Friday 2024 sale, shoppers are flocking to the site to gear up for remaining fall adventures and get some holiday shopping done in the process. Everything from Kershaw pocket knives to hiking backpacks and even Coleman's No. 1 bestselling tents are on sale, but the one product drawing the most attention is this popular pair of hiking boots that's under $50, and it's selling by the thousands. 

The Nortiv 8 Armadillo Men’s Waterproof Hiking Boots are now on sale for as low as $43—up to 52% off the original price of $90. This boot is Amazon's No. 1 bestselling hiking boot for men with over 11,000 five-star ratings, which is truly impressive for a lesser-known brand in such a competitive market. On sale are two iterations of the popular Nortiv 8 men’s hiking boots: the classic Armadillo and the Armadillo II. To differentiate the styles easily, note that the updated Armadillo II is the one with suede, but shoppers say either option is "absolutely incredible." Each style is offered in medium and wide widths ranging from 6.5 to 15.

Nortiv 8 Classic Armadillo Ankle High Waterproof Hiking Boots in Army/Green/Black/Orange, From $43 (was $90) on Amazon

Courtesy of Amazon

The classic Armadillo boot features a water-resistant fabric upper with lightweight EVA outsoles, a protective toe bumper, and removable supportive insoles. There’s also an insulated version of the classic Armadillo that adds a waterproof membrane and a faux fur lining for warmth.

The updated Armadillo II hiking boot comes in black, olive, and tan suede. The major updates here are a more durable upper, a more padded tongue to better seal off openings from dirt and water, and an upgraded removable insole that provides more arch support than its predecessor. Like with the previous model, the material is water-resistant and perfectly suited for crossing creeks, splashing in puddles, and fighting mud, but we wouldn’t recommend swimming in them.

Shoppers have found many things to love about Nortiv 8’s men’s hiking boots, including great traction, long-lasting comfort, and overall value for the price. One shopper who frequents Utah trails got in-depth about every facet of the boots. “I must say, they have exceeded all my expectations! These boots have become my go-to outdoor companion for hiking in Northern Utah and exploring nature's wonders…They are a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast seeking comfort, durability, and water resistance in their footwear.”

Nortiv 8 Armadillo II Ankle High Waterproof Hiking Boots in All-Black Suede, From $43 (was $60) on Amazon

Courtesy of Amazon

Customers have found many things to love about Nortiv 8’s men’s hiking boots, including great traction, long-lasting comfort, and overall value for the price.

One shopper who frequents trails in Northern Utah got in-depth about every facet of the boots that performed better than originally anticipated. “I must say, they have exceeded all my expectations! These boots have become my go-to outdoor companion for hiking in northern Utah and exploring nature's wonders…They are a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast seeking comfort, durability, and water resistance in their footwear,” they said.

Some shoppers have had different intentions for the Armadillo hiking boots, like this customer who originally used them as work boots but then decided to put them to the real test. “I bought these for just general use as around the property/shop boots. They were pretty comfy so I wore them for six days of elk hunting in the Montana mountains. Only one in the group without blisters! These are a great product,” they said.

Most hiking boots will cost anywhere between $100 and $200, but Nortiv 8’s Armadillo hiking boots for men offer the opportunity to get a great value on a good pair of boots (even at full price). Grab a pair while they’re on sale for as low as $43 to discover exactly what makes them an Amazon No. 1 bestseller, but don’t wait—Amazon's Black Friday 2024 ends on Dec. 2, and prices are slated to hike back up.

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