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From the Magazine: Proactive staffing strategies

Managing staffing needs in today’s highly competitive automotive aftermarket labour market is no easy task. It requires a well-rounded strategy that addresses the needs of the business and its people.

Similar approaches are necessary to ensure the recruitment and retention of top-tier talent, including skilled technicians, service advisors, and branch managers, whether in a corporate environment or within a franchise structure. With competition growing not only among independent shops but also from dealerships and other automotive service providers, it’s more important than ever to have the right people in place to ensure success.

The challenge begins with turnover and the ongoing search for individuals who can optimize a location’s performance. Finding and keeping the right people is a constant struggle, especially given the scarcity of skilled trades in the automotive aftermarket. This shortage is further compounded by an aging workforce, as many experienced technicians are nearing retirement. The influx of younger talent hasn’t been enough to meet demand, making it essential for businesses to focus on long-term strategies for both recruitment and retention.

However, the solution lies in consistent investment — not just in the latest equipment and technology, but also in the environment and development of the people who work there. A well-maintained, modern workplace equipped with the right tools fosters pride and productivity. For instance, shops that invest in clean, well-organized spaces and high-quality equipment often experience greater job satisfaction among employees. Technicians are able to perform their tasks more efficiently, which enhances the overall shop performance.

Equally important is creating a supportive work culture, where employees feel valued and are offered competitive compensation packages, continuous training, and opportunities for growth. This kind of workplace fosters loyalty and reduces the likelihood of employees leaving for competitors. It’s also essential to stay competitive in terms of pay, benefits, and work-life balance, which have become crucial factors for today’s workforce, particularly for younger employees.

This approach not only helps attract the best talent but also enhances retention. When employees feel supported and engaged in their work environment, they are more likely to deliver exceptional customer service, which directly impacts the success of the business. It’s a simple equation: happy, motivated staff lead to satisfied customers, which drives business growth and customer loyalty.

Despite this, the work is never done. There is always room to improve the ways we engage and develop our people. Whether it’s refining training programs or rethinking incentive structures, the goal is to create an environment where employees can thrive. It’s about staying adaptable and responsive to the needs of the workforce in a fast-evolving industry.

This mindset is just as important when working with franchisees, where the focus should be on collaboration and coaching. By helping franchise partners improve their processes and work environments, they too can attract and retain talent, driving their business forward.

Ultimately, people are the most important asset in the automotive aftermarket. They possess the skills and knowledge that keep the industry running, and if they are given the right environment and support, business success will follow. Investing in people and the environment to support them are, in my opinion, the smartest investments any automotive service professional business can make.

As the industry continues to evolve with new technologies, the demand for skilled talent will only increase, making it even more critical to invest in workforce development.

Zakari Krieger is the Fix Network, Canadian vice president of Prime CarCare, responsible for the Canadian retail business, encompassing the Speedy Auto Service and Novus Auto Glass business lines

This article originally appeared in the October issue of CARS magazine.

The post <span style=color:#ff0000>From the Magazine:</span> Proactive staffing strategies appeared first on Auto Service World.

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