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Former Virginia student Christopher Darnell Jones Jr pleads guilty in deadly shooting of three football stars

Christopher Darnell Jones Jr., a former University of Virginia student, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder this week in the shooting deaths of three UVA football players.. 

Jones' plea comes after the 2022 on-campus slayings of Lavel Davis Jr., D’Sean Perry and Devin Chandler. All three young men played for the UVA Cavaliers football team. A fourth team member, Mike Hollins, and another student, Marlee Morgan, suffered injuries.

Jones' stint on the football team overlapped with the players he shot, per information in the draft copy of the prosecutors' summary, but there is no indication Jones and the players had a relationship.

Jones faced three counts of first-degree murder, two counts of aggravated malicious wounding and five counts of use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. A sentencing hearing has been set for Feb. 4 and is expected to last for four days.


While riding back to campus from a school trip on a charter bus in the hours before the shooting, Jones texted an adult mentor, stating, "tonight I’m either going to hell or jail. I’m sorry," according to a summary that prosecutors read in court on Wednesday. The Associated Press obtained a draft copy of the summary.


Jones had been scheduled to stand trial in January on charges including aggravated murder, which carries a mandatory sentence of life without parole in Virginia. The first-degree murder charges he pleaded guilty to in a plea agreement with prosecutors carry a sentence of 20 years to life.

Authorities said Jones opened fire aboard a charter bus as he and other students arrived back on campus after seeing a play and having dinner together in Washington, D.C. 

The shooting erupted near a parking garage and prompted a 12-hour lockdown of the Charlottesville campus until the suspect was captured. Many at the school of some 23,000 students huddled inside closets and darkened dorm rooms, while others barricaded the doors of the university’s stately academic buildings.

During the rampage, Jones "methodically checked each seat until he reached the back of the bus" to shoot some of his victims, the summary said.

Authorities have yet to release details on the motive in the shooting by Jones.

The university’s president, Jim Ryan, said Jones’ guilty plea represents "another step in a lengthy and painful journey for the families of the victims and for our community."

"We continue to grieve the loss of three beloved members of our community and the injuries suffered by others on the bus," Ryan’s statement added.

Within days of the shooting, university leaders asked for an outside review to investigate the school’s safety policies and procedures, its response to the violence and its prior efforts to assess the potential threat of the student charged. School officials acknowledged Jones previously was on the radar of the university’s threat-assessment team.

In June, Kimberly Wald, a lawyer representing some of the victims and their families, announced that the university agreed to pay $9 million in a settlement. Wald said the university should have removed Jones from campus before the attack because he displayed multiple red flags through erratic and unstable behavior.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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