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Captain Tom’s daughter STILL cashing in on dad’s legacy by using him to flog £3.5k ‘life-coaching’ sessions

THE daughter of Captain Tom Moore is STILL cashing in on his legacy – by using him to sell £3,500 life-coaching packages.

Hannah Ingram-Moore, 54, and husband Colin, 67, were blasted by a report today for pocketing a fortune on the back of Tom’s inspirational NHS fundraising.

Captain Sir Tom Moore raised millions for the NHS[/caption]
Hannah Ingram-Moore was today blasted by a Charity Commission report[/caption]
Ms Ingram-Moore is still cashing in on her late dad’s legacy[/caption]

But despite shamelessly marring his legacy, Ms Ingram-Moore is offering to help sort others’ lives out and achieve their “goals, objectives, and vision”.

Courses start with a £50 30-minute consultation followed by packages starting from £1,450 or £3,500 to provide “intuitive guidance” to “aid you in your journey”.

She writes: “ Hannah can help you move past the challenges you’re facing in your life and achieve the goals that have felt out of reach.

“She does this by listening intently, helping you see things in new ways, and providing you with practical tools and advice.

“Break through your blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. Address these with Hannah in sessions to start building your positive and successful future.

“Payment is required at the beginning of each agreed programme.”

COMMENT: Captain Tom Moore would be ashamed of his daughter’s obscene greed


CAPTAIN Tom Moore led a life of unblemished selflessness.

He would be ashamed of his daughter’s obscene greed.

The public-spirited World War Two veteran became a national hero during Covid by raising almost £40million for the NHS with a sponsored walk aged 99.

It earned him a knighthood, the love of millions and even a chart-topping hit.

But it was perhaps fortunate Sir Tom never lived to see Hannah Ingram-Moore and husband Colin plunder his philanthropy as a get-rich-quick scheme.

The pair sickeningly pocketed vast sums, cashing in on his memory and giving next to nothing to the charity they set up in his name, as a Charity Commission probe confirms.

Hannah paid herself a lavish salary and built a spa.

What an appalling end to the most uplifting story of that bleak Covid era.

If the Ingram-Moores have a shred of decency they will hand every last remaining Pound to the charity a duped public thought it was funding.

HannahIngramMoore.com was still promoted her services using Captain Tom’s image, with Ms Ingram-Moore shamelessly taking credit for his words.

She wrote: “I was suddenly immersed in the world of authorship. I sat and listened to my father telling his story, crafting his words, and creating joy for every age group.”

According to her website, Ms Ingram-Moore is also planning to publish her own book to tell her “side of the story” claiming people stop her in the street to ask for one.

She wrote: “The book is for everyone that asked and for those that want to hear the firsthand story of life with Captain Tom, including the highs and lows.

“I am days away from completing that book and it will be on the bookshelves shortly.”

A Charity Commission report found the family plunder Captain Tom’s memory for their own benefit – pocketing a £1.5million book advance then giving none to his charity.

The report revealed that Ingram-Moore, blocked from paying herself a £150,000 salary as charity CEO – took £85,000 and reimbursed her firm with £80,000 in costs from the foundation.

The couple hoodwinked the public by promising royalties to the charity from its merchandise website.

Charity Commission report's key findings

The 30-page report published on Thursday came after a two-year inquiry.

It found the Ingram-Moores carried out repeated instances of misconduct.

These include:

  • “disingenuous” statements from Mrs Ingram-Moore about not being offered a six-figure sum to become the charity’s CEO
  • a misleading implication that donations from book sales would be made to the foundation
  • no evidence to support Mrs Ingram-Moore’s claims she attended an awards ceremony in a personal capacity, for which she was paid £18,000
  • The couple used the foundation’s name in an initial planning application for an illegal spa pool block at their home

Instead buyers were redirected to external sites where no commission to good causes was collected.

And they gave the charity £8,900 from a Capt Tom gin from profits thought to be well over £100,000.

Much of the money is thought to have been ploughed into an illegal luxury spa that had built in their garden using the Captain Tom Foundation charity name.

The couple have been banned from being trustees of charities – while the Captain Tom Foundation has even hinted it may take “action” to get back funds that should have been donated.


Incredibly, the Ingram-Moores whinged they had been treated “unfairly and unjustly” by the Charity Commission, accusing the watchdog of “selective storytelling”.

They said the two-year inquiry had taken a “serious toll” on the family’s health and described the process as “excessive”, adding that the charities watchdog had a “predetermined agenda”.

“True accountability demands transparency, not selective storytelling,” the statement said, adding that they “never took a penny” from public donations.

Much of the book money was spent on an illegal spa block opposite the family’s £1.2million pad
She is offering courses starting from £1,450 or £3,500 to provide ‘intuitive guidance’
She also appears to take credit for Captain Tom’s writing

How Captain Sir Tom Moore rose to fame & his daughter's controversies

  • March 2020 – D-Day veteran Captain Tom Moore walks 100 laps around his Bedfordshire garden before his 100th birthday, raising £30million for the NHS during the first lockdown.
  • April 2020 – Captain Tom reaches No. 1 in the charts with his cover of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. He receives 100,000 cards for his 100th birthday, which is marked with a Battle of Britain flypast. A train is named after him.
  • July 2020 – Captain Tom is knighted by the Queen in a special private ceremony at Windsor Castle.
  • September 2020 – Hannah Ingram-Moore launches the Captain Tom Foundation to combat loneliness.
  • December 2020 – Drones swarm into the shape of Captain Tom’s face at the New Year’s Eve firework display in London.
  • February 2021 – Captain Sir Tom Moore dies after catching covid-19.
  • February 2022 – The Charity Commission launches a probe into the Captain Tom foundation after it paid £50,000 to companies run by Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband Colin.
  • July 2023 – The foundation stops accepting donations. Planning chiefs order Hannah to tear down an unauthorised spa at her Bedfordshire home. The building had been approved to be used “in connection with the Captain Tom Foundation and its charitable objectives”. But a larger building with a spa pool was built instead and was denied retrospective planning permission. Hannah appeals.
  • September 2023 – accounts reveal Hannah received more than £70,000 to head the foundation.
  • October 2023 – Hannah loses her appeal and is ordered to demolish the spa and restore the garden to its original condition.
  • January 2023 – Demolition work begins
  • November 2024 – Charity Commission report released

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