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New Atherton S.150 launches today from £4,499

Hot outta the inbox is the news from Dyfi Valley that the Atherton S.150 trail bike is launching today. Here’s a quickie Press Relase.

The S.150 starts from £4,499.00 (€4,480.25, $4,742.70) for a full build.

Atherton Bikes launch the S.150: A hard-hitting, confidence-inspiring bike for those chasing fun on every ride.

Hot on the heels of the bonded aluminium S.170, Atherton Bikes has launched the S.150, It’s the perfect, fun all-rounder for playing in your local woods, tackling that Enduro or heading out on the kind of ride that could take you anywhere…

Responsive and playful with a mullet set-up, the S.150 turns on a dime. With 150mm travel on the rear and 160mm up front, you can boost off every lip and it eats up everything you can throw at it. Then, thanks to its efficient seated pedalling position, it climbs back up like a mountain goat.

The S.150’s geometry reflects its unmatchable racing pedigree. With 12 standard sizes, it is individually fitted to every rider for the ideal riding position when you sit on the bike. Your weight will be perfectly distributed so straight-away you’ll find yourself pushing the speed and leaning into turns a lot harder; this extra confidence makes for ridiculous amounts of fun on every ride! Whether you’re tearing loam out of the ground or acing a trail centre black, the S.150 begs you to ride it hard … so whether you’re 14 or 64 you’ll be grinning from ear to ear after every run.

“In over 20 years at the top of the World Cup circuit, we learnt that the smallest of geometry changes can make disproportionately large improvements. We were chasing the clock, but those performance benefits were always about confidence. We all know that the more confident we are, the better we ride. Now we’re in a position to deliver that to all our riders in a great performing and perfect-fitting product. Lately, I have seen my bike-mad teenager in the local woods and can confirm firsthand that it works in exactly the same way… the S.150 is a bike for all generations, we’ve always been about progression and perfect fit is central to that whatever your level.” -
Dan Brown, Atherton Bikes CEO and Team Director of Atherton Racing

The S.150 is hand-built in Machynlleth, UK and uses the same state-of-the-art technology as the bomb-proof S.170 which launched in March this year. As you’d expect it is super durable, using lug and tube construction and Atherton’s bonding technology (patent pending). Tough yet lightweight 7075 aluminium alloy is 60-70% stronger in fatigue, tensile strength and hardness than the more commonly used 6061. The S.150 has not only passed the Cat 5 EFBE test, but more importantly the Atherton field-testing which encompasses the toughest bike park trails in the UK and plenty of off-piste gems.

In terms of ride-feel, Dave Weagle’s DW4 delivers a silky smooth, responsive ride that offers great pedalling performance perfect for those all-day epics. But point the S.150 downhill and it really comes to life, popping from turn to turn, charging through techy terrain and sending anything in sight. We challenge you not to have fun on this bike!

From the beginning of Atherton Bikes’ life as a company, we knew we wanted to make a range of bikes that could be ridden by kids pushing up at their local woods or up to the heights of the World Cup podium. We love the S.150; Brownie’s son Sennen has been one of our testers he’s already taken a few wins in his first races onboard the S.150, but I love it for a long, exploring trail rides that clear my head, then I finish with a couple of wild and fast descents at the Bike Park. I’ve already clocked up some of the best days riding I’ve had in years; this bike goes so well!” – Rachel Atherton

Walkthrough video: https://youtu.be/OQsX0hyasU0

Launch video: https://youtu.be/bWy4nzFOk28


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