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The easy way to stop condensation and mould in its tracks – and it doesn’t cost a penny

WITH winter freezing temperatures and snow blasting Scotland this week, homeowners will have to deal with pesky mould and condensation in the coming months.

It is a common problem in households across the country during the winter months and can be dangerous to our health if left untreated.

Condensation is a common problem in houses during the winter[/caption]
And it can cause mould problems which can be hard to get rid of[/caption]

Condensation is water droplets that form on a window when moist air comes into contact with a cold surface.

This, in turn, can cause mould which not only looks awful inside the home but can also be a pain to get rid of.

Condensation on windows occurs when warm, moist air comes into contact with cold surfaces.

And residents in newer properties may face increased condensation issues since a three-bedroom house can absorb as much as 7,000 litres of water during construction, which is released as it dries.

Modern buildings, which are often sealed with insulation, also lack the natural ventilation of older homes, trapping moisture.

Condensation can also be caused by cooking, showering, washing up, doing laundry, gas or paraffin heaters, and even indoor plants.

Luckily, one expert is on hand to reveal how we can stop condensation and mould in its tracks – and it doesn’t cost a penny

Door and window experts at Clearview said that early intervention with condensation will stop mould from forming around windows and other areas.

Improving the ventilation in your home will increase airflow and reduce the amount of water vapour circulating.

And one way to increase ventilation without spending a penny is to clean your extractor fans regularly to make sure they work efficiently.

These super handy fans work by removing steam and excess humidity from a room and are great for places like the kitchen and bathroom after cooking or showering.

Proper ventilation can actually help distribute heat more evenly throughout your home as well and avoid costly repairs to paintwork, window fittings, and curtains.

Graeme Bowen, a window and door solutions expert, says: “As the colder months approach, it’s natural to be concerned about opening windows due to heat loss and rising energy bills.

“Especially with the recent energy price cap increase.

“However, proper ventilation can actually help distribute heat more evenly throughout your home.”

It’s natural to be concerned about opening windows due to heat loss and rising bills… However, proper ventilation can help distribute heat more evenly

Graeme Bowena window and door solutions expert

The experts also revealed other tricks that can help get rid of mould and condensation in homes during the winter.

Since it is more likely to occur in rooms where it’s not heated regularly, the experts suggest insulating windows.

This will help to minimise the temperature difference between warm indoor air and cold window surfaces.

They also advise positioning radiators strategically, like under windows, if possible, to help warm the inner glass and reduce condensation formation.

Another solution could be to open windows briefly for a few minutes to allow fresh air in without significantly cooling the room.

Opening curtains and blinds during the day also works by letting natural airflow and sunlight in to keep windows dry, which also reduces condensation.

Running a dehumidifier can lower moisture levels in rooms prone to condensation.

The experts say addressing issues early can avoid costly repairs to paintwork, window fittings, and curtains.

Health warning

EXPERTS have warned that untreated mould from condensation cause cause serious health issues.

Pharmacist Abbas Kanani at Chemist Click warns that it can trigger respiratory problems:

She said: “When spores become airborne and are inhaled, they can irritate the airways of someone with asthma.

“It can lead to symptoms such as coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and wheezing.

“Chronic mould exposure can increase lung inflammation, making airways more sensitive and reactive, increasing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

For those without existing issues, other symptoms to look out for include nasal congestion and a runny nose.

If you suspect that your health issues are related to mould, especially if symptoms persist and affect your quality of life, you should visit your GP, says Abbas.

Graeme says: “Homeowners should know that condensation on windows isn’t always bad — it means the windows are doing their job of keeping heat in.

“However, when two adults are in a bedroom, 1.2 litres of moisture can be produced overnight just by breathing.

“So, if you see condensation in the morning, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need new windows — but you need to explore preventative measures in the first instance.”

He added: “While condensation doesn’t necessarily mean you need to replace your windows, proper maintenance is essential.

“Considering double or triple glazing could be a good idea, too.

“These window options offer better insulation than single glazing, creating a warmer inner glass surface, making condensation less likely to form when warm, moist air comes into contact with cold glass.”

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