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First look at devastating Coronation Street New Year house fire as ‘cursed’ family set to lose everything

GAIL Platt might be leaving Coronation Street but she’s leaving her curse behind as our exclusive video and pictures show. 

The cobbles legend – who is played by actress Helen Worth in the ITV soap – will bow out at Christmas after 50 years on the street.

A huge fire is going to rip through the Platt family’s house in the New Year[/caption]
The new soap has had a week of night shoots for the big episodes[/caption]
Cast and crew watch as the house is made to look like it’s burning[/caption]
Lives will be left hanging in the balance when the episodes air next year[/caption]

Over that time she has been plagued with misfortune with her first husband being murdered, her second leaving her for a younger woman, and her third trying to kill her entire family as well as several neighbours.

Her fourth and fifth both met untimely ends, and her children have all suffered similar losses and dramas.

And now the curse is set to get even worse as the family home will burn down in a dramatic stunt.

The Sun exclusively revealed how the soap was planning a huge stunt for the new year with a devastating fire.

Now our exclusive video and pictures show that it’s the Platt family who will be left in tatters by the blaze.

Backstage pictures revealed that actors Lucy Fallon, Paddy Bever, Julia Goulding and Sally Carman were all filming for the huge episodes. 

Local residents were warned ahead of time about the explosions and fire effects. 

A source said: “New boss Kate Brooks is pulling out all the stops to make her mark on the cobbles – literally in this case. 

“It’s a huge story with dramatic consequences but is focussed on the street and the community. 

“There’s going to be a massive spectacle but at the heart it’s a story about the characters and how they cope with what happens – proper old school Corrie storytelling.”

Soap bosses have even been forced to warn local residents near to the Manchester set over the huge stunt and explosions.

Neighbours in Salford Quays received warnings about “loud explosions” and “fire effects” being used from today until the early hours of Friday morning.

The warning, shared in Salford Quays, revealed: “We have been given notice and warning of  loud explosions and fire effects being used as part of a dramatic film shoot at Salford Quays/Trafford Park.

“Coronation Street will be reconstructing a house fire on Coronation Street Film Set, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park.

The dramatic scenes will see a raging fire destroy the Platt house[/caption]
Local residents were warned ahead of time about the sounds of explosions for the stunt[/caption]
The cast of the soap have been filming all week on night shoots for the big stunt[/caption]
Helen Worth is leaving Coronation Street after 50 years playing Gail Platt[/caption]

“This will be from Monday 18th November until Thursday 21st November Between the hours of 16:00-02:30. 

“Smoke and flames will be used at intermittent times during this period which may be seen by the  public.

“On Tuesday 19th November between the hours of 22:00-23:00 they will be recreating an explosion this will be a short bust like a firework going off with a noise of up to 100db.

Biggest soap stunts

By Conor O’Brien

Soaps are no stranger to dramatic stunts in the storylines. Not only do these moments create a spectacle for viewers, they also fundamentally change characters’ lives.

Here is a look at some of the biggest soap stunts from over the years.


  • Tram crash (2010): The ITV soap marked its 50th anniversary with a intense tram crash – and live episode to boot. Overall, the crash and its effects were broadcast across a week in December 2010. Its resulting chaos saw regular characters Ashley Peacock (Steven Arnold) and Molly Dobbs (Vicky Binns) die.
  • Richard Hillman tries to kill the Platts (2003): Of all the men unlucky-in-love Gail tied the knot with, Richard Hillman (Brian Capron) is probably the one she regrets most in hindsight. In 2003, murderer Richard tried to kill his step-family: first by gassing them with car fumes and then driving Gail (Helen Worth), Sarah (Tina O’Brien), David (Jack P. Shepherd) and Bethany (Amy and Emily Walton) into a canal.


  • Queen Vic fire (2010): In September 2010, EastEnders bid farewell to matriarch Peggy Mitchell (Barbara Windsor) as a permanent fixture on the soap – she returned as a guest before the character’s death in 2016. In the build-up to her initial exit, Peggy had trapped crack cocaine-addicted son Phil (Steve McFadden) in the Queen Vic. However, he escaped and set the boozer on fire.
  • Bus crash (2017): In April 2017, a total of 11 Albert Square residents had their lives at risk in a terrifying bus crash. The stunt saw a double decker bus – the 764 to Barking – lose control and crash through the Albert Square market before hitting a low-level bridge. Notable passengers at the time included Denise Fox (Diane Parish) and Louise Mitchell (Tilly Keeper).


  • James Barton’s death (2016): Interestingly about James’ (Bill Ward) death was that it came in a spiral of events. After wife Emma (Gillian Kearney) locked James up in a jealous rage, he escaped and they tussled on a bridge over the bypass. Emma pushed him and James fell into traffic, in turn causing a 12-vehicle pile up, As well as James dying, key characters including Ashley Thomas (John Middleton) and Rhona Goskirk (Zoe Henry) were injured.

“If for any reason they  do not get to do this before 23:00hrs on Tuesday 19th they  will do it on Wednesday 20th between 17:00-19:00.”

The soap is currently filming for scenes into the new year, meaning fans shouldn’t expect to see the episodes for quite a while.

Lucy Fallon posted a backstage picture of her, Julia Goulding and Paddy Bever filming
Sally Carman revealed her own preparation for the freezing night shoots

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