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Bath & Body Works Has a 1-Day Only Sale on Single-Wick Candles for $6 (& Other Doorbuster-Worthy Early Black Friday Deals)

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The countdown to Black Friday 2024 is on! While there are a few notable sale events throughout the year, from Amazon’s Prime Day(s) and Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale, to all the long weekends, Black Friday (which falls on November 29 this year) is still number one in our book. After all, brands that rarely ever go on sale typically do around Thanksgiving weekend. Not only that, brands that do have sales all throughout the year tend to offer their deepest discounts over Black Friday and Cyber Monday. One such brand? Bath & Body Works.

When it comes to Black Friday deals, nobody does it better than Bath & Body Works. While many of their full-sized products can be quite pricey on a regular day (with prices ranging from around $20 to $35), shoppers can expect to score their favorite scented lotions, body creams, fragrance mists, hand soaps, and candles, for less than $10 — and in some cases, less than $5!

If you can’t wait until next Friday to shop your must-haves, you’re in luck. Bath & Body Works is counting down to the big day in the best way possible, by dropping incredible, limited-time deals that are so worth taking advantage of. Keep in mind, some of these deals do last for 24 hours only, which means you don’t have a lot of time to wait. With that said, check out all the must-shop early Black Friday deals at Bath & Body Works.

Early Black Friday Deal: $6 Single-Wick Candles


North Pole Punch Single-Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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There’s no doubt, Bath & Body Works’ 3-wick candles are super popular among fans, but don’t disregard their line of single-wick Candles. While the 3-wick candles are fairly large in size, the smaller single-wicks are more ideal for smaller spaces like the bathroom, kitchen, or an apartment living room. They’re long-lasting, and per the brand, can fill a room with fragrance for about 30 to 50 hours. Plus, the packaging is always super cute, so they’d make excellent gifts or stocking stuffers.

If all of that sounds amazing, you’re going to love the next part. Right now, Bath & Body Works is having a doorbuster-worthy deal on single-wick candles where every scent is down to just $6 a piece. That means you can stock up on classics or new holiday goodies like the North Pole Punch (above) without breaking the bank. These candles are regularly priced at $17, so a $6 deal is totally worthy of being a Black Friday doorbuster. You don’t even need to be a rewards member to shop. All you have to do is enter the code SPARKLE at checkout to receive your discount.


A Thousand Wishes Single Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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This bright and bubbly scent features notes of pink prosecco, peonies, and amaretto crème.


Spiced Apple Toddy

$6 $17 65% off
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It’s the ultimate “grown up” fall scent. This candle has fragrance notes of warm apple brandy, spiced plum, tart cranberry, and cinnamon stick.


Fresh Balsam Single-Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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This fresh scent features a woodsy blend of balsam, eucalyptus, fir branches, and cedarwood. It’s perfect for lighting if you have an artificial Christmas tree!


Snowflakes & Cashmere Single-Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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This cozy candle was made to give you that feeling of snuggling into your favorite, softest blanket on a cold winter morning.


Tis The Season Single-Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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When you think holidays, what scents come to mind? Something sweet? Spicy? Maybe a little bit of both? That’s exactly what you get with this scent that features apple, sweet cinnamon, and cedarwood.


Winter Candy Apple Single-Wick Candle

$6 $17 65% off
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Here’s a holiday classic that Bath & Body Works fans have loved for 25 years. This iconic fruity scent scent features notes of red apples, pears, and candied oranges.

Early Black Friday Deal: $4 Wallflowers Fragrance Refills


Mrs. Claus' Cocktail Wallflowers Fragrance Refill

$4 $8 50% off
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It’s a good time to stock up on Wallflowers refills! Each refill (originally price at $8) is down to $4 ahead of Black Friday. These were made to last up to 30 days and come in a wide variety of scents, including new holiday offerings like Mrs. Claus’ Cocktail (above). In addition to the $4 deal, the brand also has gift-worthy, two-packs for less than $8. While the plug-ins aren’t currently on sale, we highly recommend checking them out as there are so many cute ones for this time of year.


Mahogany Teakwood Wallflowers Fragrance Refill

$4 $8 50% off
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This warm and woodsy scent has notes of mahogany, black teakwood, dark oak, and lavender.


Laundry Day Wallflowers Fragrance Refill

$4 $8 50% off
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With this scent, every day can smell like laundry day! This features a soothing and fresh blend of fragrances notes such as fresh air, eucalyptus, and lavender.


Winter Candy Apple Wallflowers Fragrance Refill

$4 $8 50% off
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Bath & Body Works has labeled this holiday fave a Top Gift item for the year. This iconic scent was made to smell like “the super-sweet fruit treat you know and love.”

When does Bath & Body Works’ Black Friday Sale Start?

Bath & Body Works’ official Black Friday Sale will most likely begin on Friday, November 29. However, rewards members will may have a chance to preview (and shop!) the deals before everyone else. Regardless of whether you are a member or not (membership is free), you’re guaranteed to score some serious savings in the days leading up to the big sale event.

What can we expect from Bath & Body Works’ Black Friday Sale 2024?

Based on what we’ve seen in previous years, Bath & Body Works’ 2024 Black Friday Sale will likely last through the entire weekend. While some deals may remain the same, like their popular “Buy Three, Get Three Free” promo, the brand may offer one-day only deals on specific products like Fine Fragrance Mists, hand soaps, Wallflowers refills, or candles. From our experience, these one-day only flash deals usually offer the best discounts you can score. So, we highly recommend checking out Bath & Body Works early on in the day to see what their deals of the day are.

Will Bath & Body Works have a Cyber Monday sale?

Chances are, yes — Bath & Body Works will have a Cyber Monday sale this year. During last year’s sale, the brand declared that Cyber Monday was “basically the grande finale” to their weekend of seemingly endless deals. While we don’t have the details just yet, you’re sure to find huge discounts on everything from body care to fragrance mists. In fact, one of the highlights of the 2023 sale was $6 full-size Fine Fragrance Mists. Once we know for sure, you can bet we’ll be right here delivering all the latest on Bath & Body Works’ best and biggest discounts.

Before you go, check out our top foolproof holiday gifts for absolutely everyone on your list:

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