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«На международных соревнованиях ты должен взглядом пожирать соперников. Нас учили этому». Загитова – на записи влога с Петросян

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The £8 Amazon gadget that’ll sort dampness in seconds with no drips – especially when the viral Fairy liquid trick fails

REMOVING condensation from your windows is essential for preventing mould but you may cause more harm than good if you do it wrong.

One homeowner shared the budget Amazon buy she uses to ensure the dampness was sufficiently removed from her space.

A TikTok user shared the budget buy she uses to tackle condensation on her windows (stock image)[/caption]
Samina demonstrated how she uses a squeegee to remove the water droplets from her windows

In her viral video, TikTok user Samina Iltaf (@samina_iltaf) explained why she avoids a popular hack and the gadget she opts for instead.

When one of her followers asked her if she had tried the Fairy Liquid hack, the TikToker revealed why she steers clear of it.

The trick involves applying the cleaning product to your window, preventing condensation from forming on the glass by creating a barrier.

By rubbing Fairy Liquid on the places where condensation tends to form you can stop water from sticking to the glass.

However, Samina pointed out an issue she has with the DIY condensation hack.

“Nope, condensation will end up on the walls and ceiling,” she explained.

Instead, she ensures the condensation is completely removed from the room.

Samina does this using the Mr. Siga Multi-Purpose Squeegee from Amazon.

The gadget is currently available for just £8.49 as part of a Black Friday sale.

It has received an average rating of 4.4 stars out of five from Amazon shoppers.

“It would be easier to catch it off the windows and clean it off then it being on walls,” Samina pointed out.

She demonstrated how to use the handy gadget, which instantly removed the condensation from her window.

Her followers shared their thoughts on the recommendation in the comments section.

“I’m a window cleaner, the fairy trick is b****x,” agreed one TikTok user.

“Fairy Liquid lasts one day then it’s straight back, not worth the hassle!!” said another viewer.

Cheap condensation hacks

1. Use Salt or Cat Litter

   – Place bowls of salt or silica-based cat litter in areas prone to dampness. These materials are excellent at absorbing moisture from the air.

2. DIY Dehumidifier

   – Create a simple dehumidifier using a plastic container with a lid. Punch holes in the lid, fill the container with silica gel or activated charcoal, and place it in humid areas.

3. Ventilate When Cooking and Showering

   – Open windows or use extractor fans when cooking or showering to let moisture escape. Even a small gap can make a significant difference.

4. Wipe Down Windows

   – Regularly wipe down windows and other cold surfaces with a dry cloth to remove condensation. This prevents moisture from accumulating and causing mould.

5. Use Houseplants

   – Certain houseplants, like peace lilies and spider plants, can help absorb moisture from the air. They also improve indoor air quality.

6. Keep Lids on Pots

   – When cooking, keep lids on pots and pans to reduce the amount of steam released into the air.

7. Dry Clothes Outside

   – Whenever possible, dry clothes outside or in a well-ventilated area instead of using indoor drying racks.

8. Open Curtains and Blinds

   – During the day, open curtains and blinds to allow sunlight to warm up windows and reduce condensation. Sunlight also helps to reduce mould growth.

9. Use Towels Wisely

   – Keep towels and other fabrics away from walls and windows to prevent them from absorbing moisture and becoming damp.

10. Seal Cracks and Gaps

    – Use inexpensive weatherstripping or caulk to seal any cracks or gaps around windows and doors. This helps to keep cold air out and warm air in, reducing condensation.

“Bro, my family have one of these machines and they actually work so well, definitely recommend,” commented a third person.

“First thing my husband said was it will just make it gather in other places around the room,” wrote another follower.

“Ooh! I’ve been using an old towel but I have one of those somewhere! I need to find it,” said one viewer.

“That was my reaction. All it is doing is stopping the condensation settling on the window, it isn’t stopping it forming,” agreed another commenter.

“The washing up liquid hack did absolutely nothing to prevent condensation in my home. Waste of [an] arm ache,” wrote one TikTok user.

The TikToker recommended using a squeegee to tackle condensation rather than Fairy Liquid[/caption]

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