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Inside the University’s new bias-reporting system

At the start of the quarter, University administrators announced new Title VI guidelines, which would replace the previous Protected Identity Harm (PIH) reporting system for reporting bias-related incidents at Stanford. By focusing on federal Civil Rights law, the updated policy aims to assist students in addressing bias-related incidents while maintaining free speech rights on campus.

The new Title VI process solely covers incidents that violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal law forbidding harassment or discrimination based on race, color, national origin, shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics. Using a form on the website, community members can report any incident of harassment or discrimination, “[initiating] the process of addressing the concerns raised in the report.” 

In an email to The Daily, Patrick Dunkley, vice provost for institutional equity, access and community, wrote that Title VI only applies to cases where conduct creates a “hostile environment” that is severe to the point where it can “limit or deny an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity.” Otherwise, the University will take no action. The University evaluates what is considered “severe” on a case-by-case basis, he wrote.

Any reports that result in a criminal investigation will be published publicly on a dashboard, according to the new Title VI website. As of last Thursday, no reports have been published on the dashboard.

Unlike PIH reports, Title VI reports will not be kept confidential. Dunkley said the University has “an obligation to take certain steps” that prevent the reports from staying anonymous.

Dunkley added, however, that students who wish to discuss bias-related incidents confidentially can do so through the Office of the Ombuds. In an effort to prevent retaliation, the reported party will be notified of the University’s non-retaliation policy prior to submitting a report, which “may subject the [accused] to disciplinary action” if triggered. 

The no discontinued PIH reporting system — created in 2021 with student input — was intended to be a restorative process meant to support students who had experienced bias-related incidents. The process was designed to help students “receive a meaningful response and potential resolution” and for the University to “develop a deeper understanding of [its] campus climate,” wrote Emelyn dela Peña, then-associate vice provost for inclusion, community and integrative learning, and Mona Hicks, then-dean of students, in the 2021 announcement.

PIH reporting drew opposition from faculty members who raised concerns about its potential to inhibit academic freedom and free speech, with over 75 faculty members signing a petition in March 2023 opposing the system. Shortly thereafter, Martinez appointed a faculty-led committee to identify alternatives.

PIH addressed conduct, ranging from microaggressions to major harassment, that targeted individuals or groups “on the basis of one or more actual or perceived characteristics,” dela Peña and Hicks wrote. These characteristics could include race, national origin, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and more.

Dunkley wrote that reports of bias-related incidents involving sex or gender are handled by Title IX, while reports “based on other identities beyond those addressed in the Civil Rights Act are addressed by other offices, which may include the Diversity and Access Office or the Office of Community Standards, as appropriate.” Dunkley did not specify what the processes through the Diversity and Access Office or the Office of Community Standards would involve.

The Women’s Community Center (WCC) has discussed the new policy among staff members since its implementation.

“I think that [the policy is] going to have to undergo some variations before it [becomes] fully encompassing, and works to support students to the best of its abilities,” said Jacqui McLean ’27, the health & wellness coordinator at the WCC. 

McLean said the process seemed “vague and a little bit confusing,” with the University providing limited information about its details. 

Regardless of what Title VI does or does not cover, McLean remains optimistic that students will be supported by other spaces on campus like the WCC in times of need. 

“We just hope to foster a sense of community for all students, regardless of whether it’s covered in Title VI or not covered by Title VI,” she said. “We hope that students know that our space is here to provide them with resources … and be a sense of comfort for students when they’re faced with difficult situations.”

The post Inside the University’s new bias-reporting system appeared first on The Stanford Daily.

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