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Bob Casey Jr: The Apple Fell Very Far From the Tree

Pennsylvania Governor Robert P. Casey ended his political career on a high note: fighting his own political party on behalf of unborn children. During his second term as governor, Casey courageously opposed the Democrat Party’s drift toward the promotion of unrestricted abortion by seeking to address the 1992 Democratic National Convention on that topic. He was denied that opportunity by the Bill Clinton forces who had already made their deal with the devil on abortion — they would stand by the unrestricted abortion regime of Roe v. Wade while disguising their pro-abortion policies that kill innocent babies under the banner of “safe, legal, and rare.” Gov. Casey was, as he later wrote, “banished” from the convention over the issue of abortion.

In addition to being denied an opportunity to deliver an anti-abortion speech, Casey had to endure being, in his words, “publicly humiliated” by his own party. Instead, the convention organizers had a Republican pro-abortion woman who had campaigned for Casey’s opponent in 1990 speak to the delegates. Another Democratic politico was distributing buttons that featured a photo of Casey dressed up as the Pope. Casey recalled that he had “never felt such deep, bitter hatred — the tyranny of the far left, up close and personal.”

But Casey continued to fight publicly for the unborn children, both from his perch as Pennsylvania’s governor and during several media appearances — 60 Minutes, Larry King Live, Meet the Press, and Face the Nation. He was exploring a run for the presidency as a pro-life Democrat candidate. It was not to be, however, due to serious health issues. Then, in 1996, he wrote Fighting for Life, which was part memoir and part a plea to protect the lives of unborn children. Casey’s exit from politics was principled, courageous, and inspiring.

Bob Casey Jr. also entered the political arena, and largely based on his father’s legacy and name recognition, won successive Pennsylvania state offices (though not governor) and later was elected three times as a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. During most of his political career, Casey Jr. followed in his father’s footsteps claiming to be a pro-life Democrat.

But as the national Democratic Party moved farther left, and as party leaders abandoned the disguise of “safe, legal, and rare” in favor of an openly pro-abortion stance, Casey Jr. abandoned his father’s stance and changed his position, becoming a vocal supporter of Roe v. Wade’s deadly abortion regime. Presumably, Casey Jr. calculated that his future political career in the party demanded a pro-abortion stance, so he, too, made his deal with the devil thinking that he would be rewarded by being reelected to a fourth term in the Senate.

Alas, it appears it was not to be. Unlike his father, Casey Jr. abandoned the cause of protecting unborn children for political gain. And unlike his father, he is not leaving the political arena on a high, principled, or inspired note. Instead, after being declared the loser of his Senate race against Dave McCormick, Casey Jr. refused to concede and is making Pennsylvania taxpayers spend over $1 million on a recount that the experts say he cannot win.

Worse, Casey Jr. hired Democratic Party election lawyer Marc Elias to challenge the election and watched silently as election officials in at least three Pennsylvania counties began counting ballots that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had already decided were illegal and should not be counted. The apple, as they say, has fallen very far from the tree.

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The post Bob Casey Jr: The Apple Fell Very Far From the Tree appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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