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‘Wait a second!!! My phone is always going SOS randomly’: Woman shares how to tell if your iPhone is tapped

This woman claims she's under federal investigation because of a mistake from four years ago. Here's one way she figured it out.

They tapped her phone

TikToker Lisa (@fightingforcivilrights), who has 35,000 followers, says one way to know if the feds tap your phone is if it constantly goes in SOS mode.

When that SOS status pops up, it means that your phone isn't connected to your cellular network. So you won't be able to make any calls except for emergency calls through other phone carriers, the Apple site reads.

"My phone never went into SOS before this investigation. And once they started tapping my phone, it's in SOS all the time now," Lisa alleges in her viral TikTok.

Her video has more than 230,000 views.

Other signs your phone is tapped

If you think someone tapped your phone or is otherwise monitoring or tracing it, there are a few subtle signs you can look out for, according to security company Norton:

  • Weird sounds: If you're on the phone with someone and consistently hear clicking sounds, mumbling, or status, it could mean someone is eavesdropping. It's normal to hear weird sounds every so often when you have a poor signal. But if it happens regularly, it could mean you've been tapped.
  • Your battery dies quicker: In the same way that streaming and playing games drains your phone, spyware can do the same.
  • Strange behavior: Your phone turns on and off by itself. Apps open and close on their own, or you still get notifications despite being in silent mode.
  • Warm to the touch: Your battery is hot or warm to the touch.

Can the federal government tap my phone whenever they want?

No, they must obtain a warrant from a judge to tap a person's phone. This technique is usually used in cases related to terrorism, drug trafficking, and fraud.

Not following proper procedure is a felony.

Why does Lisa think the feds are after her?

In a video with nearly 4 million views, Lisa says that back in 2020, she had an affair with a federal law enforcement officer. When she found out he was married, she says she told his wife what he was doing behind her back.

A few weeks after coming clean, Lisa says her mail and packages started to arrive ripped open and taped back together.

"This was the beginning of my federal investigation," Lisa claims. She says the case was "in retaliation for the affair."

The Daily Dot has reached to the FBI via email about Lisa's allegations.

Lisa says that since the alleged investigation started, they've tried to trap her into committing some fraud. She alleges they started with healthcare fraud since she's a former psychiatric nurse practitioner.

"I never took the bait, which is why I have not been indicted," Lisa claims.

Lisa says she developed a chronic condition that disabled her. The TikToker says she went on short-term disability insurance and then transitioned to long-term.

"Ever since I went on disability, the feds have been sitting outside of my house conducting 24/7 surveillance on me to see if I will do something that's inconsistent with my disability claim so that they can say I'm committing insurance fraud and disability fraud," Lisa claims.

She claims that they've been trying to catch her for the last two years, adding that she suspects they've sent informants to see if she slips up verbally. Lisa claims that they also tried to get her to commit prescription fraud by using her mom.

"I have just been put in various traps and setups over the last few years trying to turn me into a fraud and a criminal. They have been failing miserably at that," Lisa says.

The Daily Dot reached out to Lisa for comment via TikTok direct message and comment.

@fightingforcivilrights Replying to @LadyOverComing #federalinvestigation #prisontok #prison #federal #law #police ♬ original sound - Lisa ✨

Commenters react

"Mine been doing that too.. but they gonna be bored as hell tapping this phone," a top comment read.

"I work in cellular sales. iPhone 12s and 13s are having SIM failure and going in SOS regularly. It's a phone issue," a person said.

"I do not have a data plan on my phone I only use it through Wi-Fi because I never leave my house and it’s always on SOS. It does not mean the FBI is listening to me," another wrote.

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The post ‘Wait a second!!! My phone is always going SOS randomly’: Woman shares how to tell if your iPhone is tapped appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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