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GMB’s Richard Madeley fights back tears live on air – as I’m A Celeb star rushes to hug Kate Garraway

GOOD Morning Britain anchor Richard Madeley admitted he was “teary” during an emotional moment with co-presenter Kate Garraway.

It came as Kate, 57, Richard, 68, and fellow ITV show anchor Susanna Reid, 53, welcomed rapper Naughty Boy, 43, to the programme’s sofa on Thursday.

GMB’s Richard Madeley fought back tears live on the ITV show on Thursday
It came as presenter Kate Garraway enjoyed a hug with former I’m A Celeb star Naughty Boy[/caption]
Watford-born Naughty Boy was talking about being a carer for his mum

Naughty Boy, who starred on I’m A Celeb back in 2021, was being interviewed for Good Morning Britain on International Carers Day about looking after his mum Zahida.

His parent – who affectionately terms him “good boy” – has been in his care following a stroke, with a diagnosis of dementia soon after.

The Watford-born DJ and record producer was hailed a “wonderful son” by a touched Richard, before Susanna asked if carers share a “bond.”

Naughty Boy, real name Shahid Khan, agreed and said: “You know what it takes.”

Kate added: “You know what it takes, people say you don’t know because it’s not something we like to think about, either needing to be cared for or someone we love needing care.

“So people avoid it, so when you’ve been in it there is a bond.”

Naughty Boy added of his network of support: “Having family members that can step in and lighten the load, that helps me finish my new album.

“And I can dedicate it to mum and i can still put the soul and spirit into it that it needs.”

Naughty Boy, who is famed for working with a host of celebrities like Beyonce on Runnin’, then handed a book called The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari to Good Morning Britain favourite Kate.

He told her: “I wanted to bring one for you Kate.

“It might be more of a spiritual thing, so I’m going to read it myself, and if it inspires you …”

The pair then held hands as Kate said: “That’s so kind of you.

“Thank you so much I’m going to read that, bless you.”

Current presenters:

  • Susanna Reid (presenters Monday to Wednesday and alternate Thursdays) – 2014 to present
  • Kate Garraway (presenters alternate Thursdays and Fridays) – 2014 to present
  • Ed Balls (presents on a rotating basis) – 2022 to present
  • Adil Ray (presents on Fridays) – 2024 to present 
  • Robert Rinder (presents on a rotating basis) – 2024 to present

Former presenters: 

She then asked if she could give him a hug to which he replied: “Of course.”

Richard was then seen dabbing his eyes with his hands.

He told the GMB viewers: “It’s a bit teary up here,” before sniffing and coughing and transferring to the weather segment.

Richard has previously told how he fears he will get dementia in later life – but admitted he would “go down fighting” if he did.

One fan was also quick to take to X after the segment to write: “Naughty boy is clearly a good boy.”


Mum of two Kate joined the group on the sofa after her experience of caring for her late husband Derek Draper.

She has been a staunch campaigner for the rights of carers for the past few years, continuing her support following his sad passing in January.

Back in May, the TV anchor and radio host bravely told how she was “trying to keep my head above water” during her rough year.

Her spouse, former political lobbyist Derek, tragically died aged 56 in January, following four years of health struggles.

Kate had previously told of her heartbreak at her first birthday since spouse Derek’s passing.

Kate marked her 57th birthday on May 4 – admitting the first celebrations without Derek were understandably tough.

Derek was left fighting for his life in hospital after suffering a heart attack over the festive period but was already one of the UK’s longest-suffering Covid patients, after being diagnosed in March 2020.

She paid a touching tribute to her late spouse at his funeral in February and, just days later, made her “brave” GMB return.

Kate recently told how she was withdrawing cash from her pension early to try to stem the crippling costs of the bills – as she again shone the spotlight on key issues for unpaid carers.

On a previous GMB episode, she also admitted she had looked into the same finance technique to release funds from Derek’s pension when he was still alive, in order to again pay off the fees.

This week, Kate headed to Westminster with a carers group to help make their voices heard to MPs and ministers.

Instagram / Naughty Boy
The DJ and producer told how parent Zahida had been diagnosed with dementia after suffering a stroke[/caption]
Kate acted as a carer for her late husband, Derek Draper[/caption]
Naughty Boy starred on I’m A Celeb in 2021

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