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I tested 5 gadgets to keep warm when WFH – a £15 buy means I won’t need heating but the B&Q heater isn’t worth bothering

WITH snow landing in the UK and the weather plummeting, if you’re looking for ways to stay warm this winter, you’ve come to the right place.

And whilst it may be tempting to turn the central heating on as temperatures begin to drop and our homes start to feel chilly, if you’re worried about soaring energy bills, fear not, we’ve got you covered.

Abigail Wilson
Here, Abigail Wilson tests five gadgets to keep her warm when working from home[/caption]

There’s nothing worse than being smacked in the face with a huge energy bill, but it’s equally as annoying trying to work from home but with fingers that hurt from being so cold.

But fortunately for you, there are lots of handy gadgets you can use to help keep you warm and toasty at home this season. 

From electric scarfs and plug-in heaters, to hot water bottles designed especially for your feet, here, Senior Digital Writer Abigail Wilson has tested out a selection of affordable high-street buys.

Here, Abigail reveals her honest verdict on the latest gizmos, including the buys to nab quickly and the ones to leave on the shelf. 

Robert Dyas Heated Scarf, £14.99

Who knew an electric scarf was a thing? I have to admit, not me.

Abigail Wilson
The heated scarf was only £14.99[/caption]

I’m a big fan of scarves, so the thought of having a heated one wrapped around my neck instantly filled me with joy.

This savvy scarf has a built-in heater to keep you warm and even better, has adjustable temperature settings so you can turn it up if you get chilly, and turn it down if you get too hot.

It’s a nice fabric and the back of my neck was warm in minutes.

I can’t say it’s the most stylish garment I’ve ever worn, but for quick heat, without having to be plugged into the wall, this affordable buy gets a thumbs up from me.

Winter Rating: 8/10 

Dunelm Microwave Mono-Slipper, £15

I don’t go anywhere without my slippers, particularly in winter, but this Dunelm foot warmer is now my latest game-changer. 

Abigail Wilson
This foot warmer mono-slipper is one you won’t want to miss[/caption]

The borg buy, which is just £15, did a great job of keeping my feet warm.

All you do is simply put the little pouch in the microwave, pop it back into this handy gadget, and your toes will feel warm and cosy in no time at all.

Cheap gadgets to help you stay warm

MARTIN Lewis' MoneySavingExpert shared six gadgets that can help you keep the heating off but stay warm.

Heating “the human not the home” means you warm yourself instead of turning on the heating and heating the whole house.

This can save money on your heating bill and means you don’t have to sit in the cold.

  • USB gloves – initial cost £10, cost to run less than 1p an hour
  • Heated insoles – initial cost £10, cost to run less than 1p an hour
  • USB hand warmers – initial cost £15, cost to run less than 1p an hour
  • Electric gilet – initial cost £50 (including battery pack), cost to run less than 1p an hour
  • Microwaveable wheat bag – initial cost £4, cost to run less than 1p per hours
  • Reusable hand warmers – initial cost £5 for a pair, cost to run less than 1p per hour

The mono-slipper comfortably fits both of my feet and the non-slip base is incredibly handy, ensuring stability and softness.

Even better, the removable, machine washable cover makes cleaning a breeze and it was so nice and cosy, I certainly won’t be turning the heating on thanks to this bargain buy.

Winter Rating: 9/10 

B&Q Mini Desktop Space Heater, £24.99

Instead of turning the heating on, I thought I’d give this mini plug-in heater a try – but I was left with mixed reviews.

Abigail Wilson
The space heater was a bit claustrophobic and loud for me[/caption]

I have to say, I was surprised at how powerful this handy gadget actually was.

But the heat was slightly claustrophobic for me – perhaps I had it too close to me but the short lead doesn’t provide much flexibility.

Whilst the space heater spins and radiates heat around your room, it is incredibly loud. 

I’m not sure how my colleagues would react to the annoying noise of this winter buy when on Zoom calls – and for £24.99, although it’s affordable, it’s not something I’d purchase again. 

Winter Rating: 4/10 

Argos Beurer Well-Being Heat Pad, £30 

I’m a huge lover of hot water bottles and of course, have a heated blanket on my bed for chilly nights.

Abigail Wilson
This heat pad will replace my hot water bottle for good this winter[/caption]

But thanks to this heat pad, which you can buy from Argos, you can say goodbye to the old fashionised ways of keeping warm. 

I was left in disbelief at just how quickly this heat pad warmed up and whilst they are often used by people with arthritis to ease pain, if you’re looking for something that will keep you warm when WFH, this is a great buy.

5 ways to keep your house warm in winter

Property expert Joshua Houston shared his tips.

1. Curtains

“Windows are a common place for the outside cold to get into your home, this is because of small gaps that can let in air so always close your curtains as soon as it gets dark,” he said.

This simple method gives you an extra layer of warmth as it can provide a kind of “insulation” between your window and curtain.

2. Rugs

“Your floor is another area of your home where heat can be lost and can make your home feel chilly,” he continued. “You might notice on cold days, that your floor is not nice to walk on due to it freezing your feet.

“Add rugs to areas that don’t already have a carpet, this provides a layer of insulation between your bare floor and the room above.”

3. Check your insulation

Check your pipes, loft space, crawlspaces and underneath floorboards.

“Loose-fill insulation is very good for this, and is a more affordable type of insulation, with a big bag being able to be picked up for around £30,” Joshua explained.

4. Keep your internal doors closed

“Household members often gather in one room in the evening, and this is usually either the kitchen or living room,” Joshua said.

“This means you only have to heat a small area of your home, and closing the doors keeps the heat in and the cold out.”

5. Block drafts 

Don’t forget to check cat flaps, chimneys and letterboxes, as they can let in cold air if they aren’t secure.

In my opinion, it’s much better than a hot water bottle – yes, it’s more expensive, but there’s no faffing around with boiling water thanks to this handy gadget. 

You can sit on it or have it on your lap, whatever you prefer, and in addition to three heat settings, there’s also an auto switch off after 90 minutes too, ensuring you stay safe and toasty when you’re busy working

Winter Rating: 8/10 

Boots HotHands Hand Warmers, £1

These HotHands warmers are everywhere, with people raving about them all over social media

Abigail Wilson
The HotHands hand warmers are cheap, but not efficient when working from home[/caption]

For just £1, you can’t really go wrong with these handy buys, which claim to provide up to 10 hours of heat.

For a cheap, quick fix, these are pretty good, but for those working from home, I’m not totally sure they’re a hit with me.

If you’re busy typing away all day long, I can’t see how efficient these will be.

However, if you’re in and out of Teams meetings, these small warmers are perfect for gripping onto, providing instant warmth straight out of the packet. 

Winter Rating: 6/10 

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