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Liam’s funeral was ‘hardest day of Cheryl’s life’ as choir sang and friends & family gave ‘incredibly personal’ readings

LIAM Payne’s funeral was the hardest day of Cheryl’s life – as the choir sang and his family gave “incredibly personal” readings.

Millions knew Liam as a superstar who shot to fame with One Direction — but yesterday he was remembered as a son, brother and dad.

One Direction star Liam Payne was remembered as a son, brother and dad at his funeral[/caption]
Cheryl looked sombre as she left the church[/caption]
Cheryl was dressed in all black and with dark sunglasses[/caption]
Louis Wood
Liam’s family and closest friends came together to pay their final respects following the star’s death aged 31[/caption]
James Corden embraces a mourner at the service[/caption]
Memorial in his hometown Wolverhampton is filled with fan tributes yesterday[/caption]

Just over a month after his shocking death at the age of just 31, his family and closest friends came together at his funeral to pay their final respects.

A friend said: “The service was beautiful but for everyone inside the church, the loss of Liam is still unfathomable.

“A choir performed during the service and Liam’s personality shone through in all of the details.

“The readings given during the service were incredibly personal and painted a picture of what Liam was really like.

“He was kind, generous and put everyone else first. The service was centred on this.

“Liam as a son, a brother and a father. The man that he was behind closed doors.

“The man who went out of his way to help others. The fact he is no longer with us is still incomprehensible.”

Another friend said: “Generosity was Liam to a tee. His family knew that Liam cared greatly for others.

“As painful as his death was, they know Liam would have taken a huge amount of pride in knowing that he was still able to help others.

“Large sums of money were donated to this in Liam’s name yesterday and it will help so many children.”

On what has been dubbed the hardest day of her life Cheryl Tweedy, the mother of his young son Bear, was supported by her Girls Aloud bandmates Kimberley Walsh and Nicola Roberts.

Locals turned out to respectfully line the streets before the service in Amersham, Bucks.

Floral tributes yesterday came from his parents, Geoff and Karen, and, most poignantly, from his seven-year-old son, Bear.

There was also a nod to Liam’s love of ten-pin bowling — while flowers were left at a shrine in his home city of Wolverhampton.

Louis Wood
Pallbearers carry Liam’s coffin which was adorned with white roses[/caption]
Dan Charity
Emotional hug for Girls Aloud’s Nicola Roberts[/caption]
Dan Charity
An incredibly poignant floral tribute from Liam’s seven-year-old son, Bear[/caption]
Broadcaster and fellow West Brom fan Adrian Chiles attended the funeral[/caption]
A fan pic of the late star at park shrine[/caption]

His funeral also saw donations for sick children in tribute to Liam’s generosity.

In the months leading up to his death, the star had quietly helped many in need. He gave £10,000 for one poorly youngster’s treatment while another £770 went to a young girl’s medical bills after she was injured during a school shooting.

In other acts of kindness, he helped a young girl ­diagnosed with a stage two Wilms tumour on her kidney.

Mourners were asked to continue Liam’s legacy with a donation to help build a new Children’s Cancer Centre at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Liam’s passions were also highlighted, including his love of BatmanCars that drove his friends to the service had the superhero’s logo on the window.

Mourners included broadcaster and fellow West Brom fan Adrian ChilesGavin & Stacey star James Corden and ex-Spurs striker Robbie Keane

But there were many who loved Liam who were unable to attend. Robbie Williams — who paid tribute after Liam’s death — and former X Factor judge Nicole Scherzinger are understood to have been in contact with his family and sent flowers.

His One Direction bandmates — Harry StylesLouis TomlinsonZayn Malik and Niall Horan — were all there yesterday in a touching show of support and togetherness.

A friend added: “No one knows what it was like to be in One Direction like these five men.

“They may not have been in contact all the time but the bond they share is unbreakable. Liam was the ‘dad’ of the band, always speaking up when the others needed him to.

“Harry, Louis, Zayn and Niall are all now having to navigate a path none of them ever thought they would go down. They were all there yesterday to support Liam’s family and one another.”

Afterwards at a wake held nearby more stories and memories were shared about Liam.

A friend said: “Life will, as it always does, continue.

“But for the people in Liam’s life, the people who loved him, they now face a long road ahead.”

Cheryl’s pal and Girls Aloud bandmate Kimberley Walsh also in attendance[/caption]
Ex-Spurs striker Robbie Keane seen arriving[/caption]
One Direction star Harry Styles looked sombre at the service[/caption]
Zayn Malik reunited with the band for the first time since 1D broke up in 2015[/caption]
Dan Charity / The Sun
Louis Tomlinson pictured in black at Liam’s send-off[/caption]
Niall Horan and his girlfriend Amelia Woolley paid their respects[/caption]

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