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Is Tivonge Rushesha Reading’s Secret Weapon?

Photo by Athena Pictures/Getty Images

The young midfielder recently caught the eye in a couple of appearances at left-back: a problem position for Reading this season.

I’d just like to caveat this article by saying that yes, sorry, I know it’s probably about one and a half weeks late. But, if we can, let’s just transport ourselves back in time to when we were in the thick of a few cup games. Would that be ok, please? Lovely, thanks.

Our award-winning podcast (yes it is… almost certainly… probably) recently fielded this question: who is our most dangerous right-winger? Chem Campbell and Adrian Akande were the two names bandied about – by the way, who did Mamadi Camara upset to not get a mention in that discussion?

However, I think there is a name that wasn’t mentioned and, indeed, is rarely mentioned but ought to be. I’ll leave this as a teaser for now.

I was really impressed, watching the games back, with Tivonge Rushesha’s performance playing left-back for us in recent games. Rushesha is, honestly, a player that I had kind of forgotten existed. Like finding a quid down the back of the sofa, he’s been found, rolled out and been rather useful in what has been a problem position for this team.

Despite Jeriel Dorsett not being an actual left-back – and I remain convinced that his long-term future is in the centre of defence – he is undoubtably our first-choice left-back. Indeed, the general consensus on his recent return to action seemed to be: “Oh yeah – he’s quite good, actually.” Perhaps having a bit of a break from playing football has helped too. From playing not very much at all to playing all the time must have taken its toll.

It’s easy to forget that, during pre-season, with Kelvin Abrefa and Andy Yiadom injured, Rushesha was actually first choice to go into the right-back slot, ahead of Michael Craig. Unfortunately for Rushesha, he then also picked up an injury and this led to Craig moving to right-back and the rest was history. Seeing Rushesha fill in at left-back, he gives us a real option and alternative to provide cover for Dorsett on this side of the pitch, as well as some tactical flexibility.

Andre Garcia has been the player to step up and cover this role as the understudy to Dorsett and he’s done pretty well, all things considered. I won’t mention his age, because we all know he’s young. And young or not, he’s done a job for us. What I will mention is this: I don’t believe full-back is his natural position. I believe he is actually a winger playing out of position.

Photo by James Gill - Danehouse/Getty Images

While you watch Garcia play, he is direct with the ball at his feet, not scared to take on his opponent and has a real turn of pace. He could do some real damage further up the pitch. We desperately lack a true Femi Azeez replacement – a left-footed attacker who can cut inside. Garcia could be that player.

Now is the time to try things. As things stand, Campbell won’t be with us for too much longer, Kelvin Ehibhatiomhan (before injury) was struggling with his form – again most likely due to fatigue, Camara is coming back from injury and Akande, like Camara, is in his first full season of first-team football. These last two players need time to be nurtured.

Rushesha giving us an option at left-back not only gives us depth in a problem position in defence, but it also releases Garcia to give us cover in other positions within the side where he could be more effective.

With Campbell coming into form now, and as ever, continuing his impressive work rate, an equally hard-working right winger in Garcia could really shape up a front three that any one of Sam Smith, Jayden Wareham or Harvey Knibbs would have a great old time leading.

And here it is: Rushesha is the player we didn’t know we needed until he was dusted off and given a platform to show what he can do for us. And what he can do for us is to help us answer the question about who our most dangerous right winger is: Garcia.

I hope we get the chance to find out soon.

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