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An £8 Lidl buy can help prevent dampness in your home – it’s as good as a dehumidifier

IF your home has fallen victim to winter dampness, Lidl may have just what you need.

Rather than constantly fighting with dehumidifier filters, this budget buy will give you a hands-off line of defence against mould.

Experts recommend adding a sansevieria trifasciata to your home to reduce dampness (stock image)[/caption]

The Manchester Evening News reported on a plant that can help prevent moisture build-up in your home.

Certain plants are said to suck the moisture out of the air, preventing condensation forming in your home.

Lidl shoppers can look out for Sansevieria Trifasciata, which is currently available for just £7.99.

Also known as a snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, the plant is said to be nature’s dehumidifer.

They have tall, flat, tongue-shaped leaves that grow in a stiff, upright manner.

Snake plants thrive in warm conditions with bright filtered light or partially shaded areas.

As well as thriving in low lighting, the low-maintenance plant requires minimal watering.

Plant parents will only have to add a small amount of water every to weeks.

The RHS guide even describes snake plants as “tolerant of neglect.”

It also helps to purify the air of the room that it is placed in, removing toxins.

This makes Sansevieria Trifasciata the ideal plant for anyone with allergies.

And if you or someone you know struggles with a respiratory issues, the snake plant is said to make it easier to breathe at night.

As well as placing the item in your bedroom to improve sleep, it is also said to work wonders in the bathroom.

Since bathrooms are often prone to condensation due to showers and baths, the plant helps to prevent mould from forming.

Simply placing a snake plant on your windowsill can help to improve the dampness levels of your bathroom.

Cheap condensation hacks

1. Use Salt or Cat Litter

   – Place bowls of salt or silica-based cat litter in areas prone to dampness. These materials are excellent at absorbing moisture from the air.

2. DIY Dehumidifier

   – Create a simple dehumidifier using a plastic container with a lid. Punch holes in the lid, fill the container with silica gel or activated charcoal, and place it in humid areas.

3. Ventilate When Cooking and Showering

   – Open windows or use extractor fans when cooking or showering to let moisture escape. Even a small gap can make a significant difference.

4. Wipe Down Windows

   – Regularly wipe down windows and other cold surfaces with a dry cloth to remove condensation. This prevents moisture from accumulating and causing mould.

5. Use Houseplants

   – Certain houseplants, like peace lilies and spider plants, can help absorb moisture from the air. They also improve indoor air quality.

6. Keep Lids on Pots

   – When cooking, keep lids on pots and pans to reduce the amount of steam released into the air.

7. Dry Clothes Outside

   – Whenever possible, dry clothes outside or in a well-ventilated area instead of using indoor drying racks.

8. Open Curtains and Blinds

   – During the day, open curtains and blinds to allow sunlight to warm up windows and reduce condensation. Sunlight also helps to reduce mould growth.

9. Use Towels Wisely

   – Keep towels and other fabrics away from walls and windows to prevent them from absorbing moisture and becoming damp.

10. Seal Cracks and Gaps

    – Use inexpensive weatherstripping or caulk to seal any cracks or gaps around windows and doors. This helps to keep cold air out and warm air in, reducing condensation.

While it may not eliminate existing mould, it does help to draw the moisture from the air.

The moisture doesn’t linger in the air or settle on surfaces in the room as it is drawn to the plant instead.

And unlike dehumidifiers, there is no ongoing cost of the natural alternative.

It is also more aesthetically pleasing to the eye than a large plastic dehumidifier.

The small plant also occupies less space than the bulky appliance.

Snake plants are currently available from Lidl for just £7.99 (stock image)[/caption]

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