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Where to watch Davis Cup: Live stream 2024 matches

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Jannik Sinner at the 2024 ATP Finals. He went on to win the singles tournament.

The Davis Cup, which sees some of the world's top male tennis players compete on behalf of their countries, is officially underway. We've compiled everything you need to know about where to watch the Davis Cup, including global live streaming options.

The quarterfinals kicked off on Tuesday in Malaga, Spain, with an exciting match between Rafael Nadal of Spain and Botic van de Zandschulp of the Netherlands. The match, which Nadal ultimately lost, was the last of the tennis superstar's professional career and marked the start of his retirement. Carlos Alcaraz went on to win the next singles match for Spain, but the Netherlands ultimately prevailed in the final doubles match. The Netherlands will advance to the semifinals, along with Germany, who eliminated Canada on Wednesday.

Italy is the defending champion and will face Argentina in the quarterfinals on Thursday. Other remaining quarterfinal ties include the United States vs. Australia on Thursday. After that, the four top teams will advance to the semi-finals, which run from Nov. 22 to 23. The final is slated for Nov. 24. Keep reading to learn how to tune in to every match.

Where to watch the Davis Cup in the US

The Davis Cup is available to watch in full on the Tennis Channel in the US. Cord-cutters can live stream the channel via a live TV streaming service like Sling TV, DirecTV Stream, or Fubo.

Sling TV is one of the more affordable live TV services out there, with base subscriptions starting at $40 per month. You'll need to opt for the Sports Extra add-on to access the Tennis Channel. This costs an additional $11 per month, bringing your monthly total up to $51, but Sling is currently running a promo that will knock $20 off your first month of service.

DirecTV Stream and Fubo are two other solid ways to access the Tennis channel. They're a bit more expensive, but they include more than double (or triple) the number of live channels Sling has. For DirecTV Stream, the cheapest way to access the Tennis Channel is through the Entertainment + Sports Pack plan, which costs a combined total of $101.98 per month. Fortunately, DirecTV Stream will currently give you $15 per month off your first two months of service. Plus, the streaming service comes with a five-day free trial.

Fubo offers access to the Tennis Channel through its Elite with Sports Plus plan, which costs $99.99 per month. First-time customers can try it out free for seven days and, should they decide to keep their subscription, get $20 off their first month of service.

Where to watch the Davis Cup in the UK

The Tennis Channel is also the home of the Davis Cup in the UK. Subscriptions are fairly cheap, with plans starting at just £2.49 per month directly through the Tennis Channel website. New subscribers can kick off their subscription with a one-week free trial.

Where to watch the Davis Cup in Australia

The Davis Cup is available to watch through beIN in Australia, where subscriptions start at AU$14.99 per month after a one-week free trial. Select matches, including upcoming Australia vs. USA quarterfinal coverage, will be available to live stream for free through 9Now, which only requires account creation to use.

How to watch the Davis Cup from anywhere

The Davis Cup is shaping up to be a can't-miss tournament. Fortunately, you don't need to worry about losing access to your usual viewing methods just because you're traveling abroad. You can keep up with all of your go-to websites and subscriptions just like you would back home with the help of a VPN (virtual private network), which enables you to change your device's virtual location. Most of the services we've highlighted today require country-specific payment methods, so this option will work best for those just traveling abroad and hoping to access their existing subscriptions.

Not sure where to start when it comes to VPNs? Our go-to recommendation is ExpressVPN, a top-rated, cybersecurity-boosting option with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Our ExpressVPN review has the full details, and you can keep reading to learn how to use a VPN.

How to watch the Davis Cup with a VPN

  • Sign up for a VPN if you don't already have one.
  • Install it on the device you're planning to watch the matches on.
  • Turn it on and set it to the location of your streaming service.
  • Create an account if you don't already have one.
  • Enjoy the competition!

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

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