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Who is Cher's boyfriend Alexander Edwards? The 38-year-old music executive has a son with Amber Rose

Cher with her boyfriend Alexander Edwards at Paris Fashion Week in February 2024.
  • Cher is dating Alexander Edwards, a music executive and producer.
  • Edwards has worked with Def Jam and Sony Music. He co-produced a song for Cher's 2023 holiday album.
  • He has a 5-year-old son named Slash, who's mentioned in a footnote in Cher's new memoir.

After six decades of iconic hits and tumultuous relationships, Cher, 78, is happily dating Alexander "AE" Edwards, 38.

The two were first linked in 2022 when they were spotted holding hands during a date night in Los Angeles. Shortly after, Cher confirmed their relationship by sharing a photo of him on X (then known as Twitter) with his name and a heart emoji.

Cher also defended their 40-year age gap in the replies, telling fans that "love doesn't know math."

Cher rose to fame alongside her first husband Sonny Bono, who was 11 years her senior. She also reveals in her new memoir, out now, that she had a brief romance with Warren Beatty when she was 15 and he was 25.

"When I was younger, boys my age did not like me," Cher recently told The New York Times. "And then when I got older, I didn't like men my age."

She said that she hit it off with Edwards after she complimented his diamond grills.

"I did everything I said I wasn't going to do," Cher said, adding as an example, "Don't fall in love with a man who's younger."

Here's everything you need to know about Cher's boyfriend.

Edwards is a music-industry executive who has worked with Def Jam Records

Tyga and Alexander Edwards at the 2024 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

According to a 2020 interview with Stoned Fox, Edwards previously served as the Vice President of A&R at Def Jam. The label's roster includes both upstarts and legends, from Coco Jones and Muni Long to Justin Bieber, LL Cool J, and Rihanna.

The online magazine credited Edwards with discovering YK Osiris, who signed with Def Jam in 2018 and released his gold-certified debut album "The Golden Child" in 2019. However, YK Osiris was reportedly dropped from the label last year.

It's unclear if Edwards still works with Def Jam. (Riggs Morales was appointed as the VP of A&R last year, per Billboard.) Edwards' Instagram bio indicates that he now works for Sony Music Publishing.

Edwards also works closely with Tyga, the "Rack City" rapper who previously dated Kylie Jenner.

Edwards is listed as a cofounder of Last Kings Group, Tyga's umbrella company that includes his independent record label.

He's also a producer and songwriter

In addition to his role as cofounder, Edwards is also signed to Last Kings Records as a recording artist, according to People — though it doesn't appear that he's released any of his own music yet.

If he ever does, expect to hear a sound inspired by "the ambition of Tupac," "the sense of humor of The Fresh Prince," "the smoothness of Usher," and "the creative freedom Pharrell possesses," Edwards told Stoned Fox. "Those are people and things that influence me."

Edwards already lent his musical talents to Cher for her 2023 holiday album, "Christmas." He's credited as a coproducer on the seventh track, "Drop Top Sleigh Ride," a duet with Tyga.

Cher teased their collaboration ahead of the album's release, telling E! News, "I'm going to England to make two albums. Some of the songs Alexander gave me, so I'm pretty excited about that. He's a producer and a writer and he does everything, so I'm happy about that."

As for his future plans, Edwards told Stoned Fox that he's also interested in acting.

"I want to play roles that I may not have an understanding of, being that I may not have experienced those things that the character has been through/going through, but still knowing they are things everyday people go through," he said. "I want people to not take life so seriously but to seriously love life."

He shares a son with his ex-girlfriend Amber Rose

Alexander Edwards and Amber Rose in June 2019.

Rose is best known as a model and the founder of Slut Walk, a sex-positive protest, though she recently made headlines for supporting President-elect Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. She has also dated Ye, then known as Kanye West, and Wiz Khalifa, with whom she shares a son named Sebastian.

According to TMZ, Edwards and Rose began dating in late 2018. At the time, the tabloid referred to Edwards as "Tyga's BFF."

The couple welcomed a baby boy named Slash Electric Alexander Edwards in October 2019.

Edwards announced his son's birth in a now-deleted post on Instagram. "Slash Electric Alexander Edwards.. the world is urs now," he wrote in the caption, per People. "thank u @amberrose for loving me so much that u put ur body thru it 2 bring my sun in2 the world."

Edwards and Rose split in 2021 after three years of dating. In a heated Instagram Story, Rose accused Edwards of cheating on her with 12 different women. "I can't be the only one fighting for my family anymore," she wrote. "The lack of loyalty and the disrespect is ridiculous, and I'm done."

Edwards later admitted to being unfaithful during an Instagram Live.

"I love her, though. That's, like, my best friend, the mother of my son," he said, per People. "But... I like women."

Although Cher doesn't mention Edwards in the first installment of her two-part self-titled memoir, which hit shelves on Tuesday, she does include a subtle nod to his son.

In chapter 16 of "The Memoir: Part One," Cher describes the aftermath of "The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour" becoming a surprise hit for CBS in the '70s.

"'You're on television now, honey. Everyone knows who you are,'" she remembers being told by her producer. "I was so busy working I hadn't been out in the real world to see that I was famous again, but this time in 4k."

The passage is accompanied by an asterisk, which directs the reader to a footnote at the bottom of the page: "'4k' provided by Slash Electric Alexander Edwards," it reads.

Slash is also mentioned in a recent New York Times profile of Cher. During the interview, author Elisabeth Egan writes, Slash "zipped into the room on a scooter, clutching a large pumpkin cookie." In response, Cher said, "Enjoy it in good health."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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