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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Man City set to offer Erling Haaland huge £100MILLION package to persuade him to stay after Pep Guardiola’s new deal

MANCHESTER CITY will now step up their efforts to convince Erling Haaland to follow Pep Guardiola in signing a new deal.

The Prem champs hope boss Guardiola’s decision to stay for at least one more year can help get superstar Haaland to agree a £100million mega package.

Man City are hoping to tie Erling Haaland down to a new deal[/caption]
Haaland is the Cityzens next target after agreeing a contract extension with manager Pep Guardiola[/caption]

Guardiola has said ‘yes’ in principle to a new 12-month contract — with the option of extending it until the summer of 2027.

The Catalan’s fresh deal is not believed to include any release clauses if City are found guilty of the Prem’s 115 charges for alleged breaches of financial rules and get relegated as a result.

The Norwegian striker — who already boasts 105 goals for City — has been linked with Barcelona.

Haaland, 24, joined in 2022 and still has two-and-a-half years left on a deal worth £375,000 a week before bonuses. His weekly wage means he will bank more than £20m a season.

Any extension would see Haaland remain at City for four or five more years — which would let him pocket in the region of £100m without even accounting for bonuses.

Guardiola and Etihad chiefs would love to get him to commit his long-term future to them.

And speaking on duty with Norway last week, Haaland said: “I hope Pep signs a new contract. He has been important for me in the first two-and-a-half years.

“I hope he stays longer. I like Pep a lot and hope he likes me, too.”

A look at the Premier League’s top earners at the moment


City have a big call to make over talisman Kevin De Bruyne — out of contract in the summer.

The Belgian midfielder, 33, has battled injuries in the past few seasons.

He will be free to open talks with foreign clubs in January and may have to accept a reduced role and wages if he decides to stay beyond the 10-year mark at the Etihad.

Ballon d’Or winner Rodri, who will attend City’s clash with Tottenham on Saturday, is another likely to be offered a new deal.

Meanwhile, Guardiola has no get-out clause in his deal if City are relegated by the Premier League next year.

A hearing into the 115 alleged breaches of financial rules is ongoing, with a verdict expected at some point in the spring.

If found guilty, City are expected to be hit with a huge points penalty — which could potentially see them lose their top-flight status.

But Pep has said he would be happy to stay and begin the march back to the top — even joking he would be happy to play club legends Paul Dickov and Mike Summerbee up front.

The dates of his contract — believed to be worth around £20m a season — are sure to be of interest to FA bigwigs.

They approached Pep in the summer about succeeding Gareth Southgate but he told them he would not break a contract with his employers.

Now he has a break clause in summer 2026, when Thomas Tuchel’s initial 18-month contract as England boss expires.

Man City are also deciding the future of superstar duo Kevin De Bruyne and Rodri[/caption]

What will happen to Man City?

MAN CITY are favourites to win the Premier League title yet again – but there is one elephant in the room that threatens to put the skids under the Etihad giants.

Sunsport’s MARTIN LIPTON discusses what the next few months could hold with Head of Sport SHAUN CUSTIS….

Custis: So the big question – will there be a resolution this season?

Lipton: Yes…. probably! We know the case will start to be dealt with in October or November.

It will take at least a month to go through the evidence. So I suspect around March, April time, we will get a result. But that’s where it starts to get tricky.

Custis: Why is that?

Lipton: If the result is in City’s favour, that’s the end of the matter. They will be cleared. They will have no punishment to face.

But if City are found guilty, these will be the heaviest penalties ever imposed by the Premier League.

I suspect if they are found guilty, they will be expelled from the league or given a massive points deduction and a huge fine so that they’re not in the Premier League next season.

Check out the full discussion on Man City’s future.

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