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Cebu friars urge politicos not to wear ‘political’ shirts in church this Fiesta Señor 2025

That time of the year when Cebu’s politicians and their supporters enter churches to pray and post their piousness on social media is fast approaching.

This coming January 2025, millions of tourists will flock to the Queen City of the South. A majority of them will be devotees wishing to participate in the celebration of the 460th Fiesta Señor, one of the biggest liturgical celebrations in the Philippines.

It is also the same month that the election period for the 2025 midterm polls officially begins, according to the Commission on Elections’ (Comelec) calendar. 

While the campaign period for local candidates begins on March 28, 2025, and February 11, 2025 for national candidates, politicians already started to make their moves as early as October, when they filed their certificates of candidacy (COC).

Some local parties in Cebu City had “lively” campaign sorties, ranging from mini-parades to concerts, held outside the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral during the filing period. 

In many parts of the country, it’s a tradition for candidates to attend Mass before filing their COCs or starting their campaigns. This act has prompted concern on the part of many devotees and a declaration from Augustinian friars of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu: Don’t do it.

Act like devotees

Father Jules Van Almerez, OSA — the media liaison of the Basilica — said during a press conference on Tuesday, November 19, that politicians and their supporters who wish to join the Fiesta Señor in January 2025 should “come only as devotees.”

“Whenever they’re inside the Basilica, dili lang unta nila sakyan nga naay mga political touch ang ilang pag-ari (they should not add a political touch when they come here),” the friar told reporters.

He urged politicians and their groups to not use the Fiesta Señor for politics and to avoid wearing shirts that show the faces of aspiring candidates inside the Basilica. “If they want to join the celebration, join as devotees…we will always remind them to join as devotees, act as devotees,” Almerez added.

Almerez stressed that politicians should dress appropriately for the religious celebration.

Earlier in October, administrators of the Basilica began the strict implementation of its dress code and refused entry to those wearing what was deemed “inappropriate attire.” The friars said the policy was made to maintain the solemnity of the worship space.

Fundamental principles

While there is no explicit ban against campaign materials during the Fiesta Señor, Monsignor Raul Go, Judicial Vicar of the Metropolitan Tribunal of Cebu, told Rappler on Wednesday, November 20, that there are fundamental principles that ought to be followed.

“If the politician is a Catholic, he has the right to participate in the celebrations at the Basilica, whether these are sacramental or devotional in nature. This right is rooted in his baptism,” Go said.

However, the priest explained, the exercise of such right is subject to local regulations like dress codes and excludes the right to campaign or bring campaign materials inside the church. He added that the religious identity of the politician must take precedence over his political identity.

“If his intention is to campaign under the guise of exercising his baptismal rights — as evidenced, for instance, by the presence of campaign materials — then he should be prohibited from participating in the celebrations,” Go added.

The priest emphasized that politicians cannot use their baptismal rights as a means to further their agenda. If they have no intention to campaign, it should be seen in their actions.

“As baptized Catholics, we are all obliged to uphold and promote the solemnity of the Basilica’s celebrations. Campaigning and the presence of campaign materials clearly disrupt this solemnity,” the priest said. – with reports from Max Limpag/Rappler.com

Max Limpag, a freelance journalist based in Cebu, is an Aries Rufo Journalism Fellow of Rappler for 2024.

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