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Archaeologists discover 12,000-year-old pebbles that could provide new insights about the wheel

12,000-year-old perforated stones found over years of excavations in Israel may "represent early evidence for the adoption of spinning with the ’spindle and whorl' device," according to newly published research in PLOS ONE.

The wheel-shaped stones were found at Nahal Ein-Gev II in the Jordan Valley of Israel, over many years of excavations. A total of 113 perforated stones have been discovered in the area since 1972. 

Of those stones found, 48 of them had complete perforation, 36 were broken items with partial holes present and 29 were unfinished items with one or two drill marks, according to the research. 


The stones were "dominantly limestone," co-authors Talia Yasuv and Leore Grosman of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem wrote in their published research, ranging in weight from 1 to 34 grams. 

Researchers came up with several theories about what these perforated stones could be.

"An initial thought was they may have been related to fishing," Yasuv told Fox News Digital in an email. Researchers ultimately came to the conclusion that, because of the shape of the stones, the material, plus the shape and size of the holes made, that they were most likely spindle whorls. 


High-resolution 3D models were used in this research to study the stones in much more detail. 

"For the naked eye, the collection of stones seems highly variable, with no standardization in the sense that every stone in the assemblage is different and unique," Yashuv said. 

"However, the 3D analysis pointed out morphological parameters that showed there are standard measures — for example, width/length ratio, a central location of the centre of mass, the fact that the perforations were located at that point too, and that the minimal width of the perforation is at a constant measure," Yashuv continued.

The authors of the study noted that their theory could be strengthened by "use wear analysis," but explained that the particular method was "beyond the scope of the present article." 


What was done as part of this study, beyond 3D modeling, was a feasibility test to test the functionality of the items as ancient spindle whorls. This was done with the help of Yonit Kristal, a traditional craft-making expert, per the study. 

"Although those parameters pointed to the functionality of spindle whorls, we were left with a doubt and therefore ran a feasibility test with replicas we produced," Yashuv said.

Though Kristal's first initial attempt didn't work well, the authors explained in their research, she eventually was able to spin both wool and flax using the pebbles as spindle whorls.   

"Surprisingly, the experiment demonstrated that not only do the replicas function well as spindle whorls, but that the parameters we suspected as disadvantageous were actually beneficial for this purpose," Yashuv said. 

Yashuv believes that this discovery is bigger than just a matter of "who's first." 

"The ‘earliest’ spindle whorl could easily become irrelevant when an additional earlier find will be found," Yashuv pointed out. "However, since we suggest an explanation to how come the innovation disappeared, if an earlier find would be retrieved, it could join into the general scheme we presented."   

Through the multistep process of studying the perforated rocks, the researchers came to the conclusion that these items could have been spindle whorls that were used to spin fibers. 

"In a cumulative evolutionary trend, they manifest early phases of the development of rotational technologies by laying the mechanical principle of the wheel and axle," the researcher wrote in their study. "All in all, it reflects on the technological innovations that played an important part in the Neolithization processes of the Southern Levant."

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