Panasonic has announced the launch of two new camcorders, the HC-VX3 and HC-V900. The HC-VX3 features wide-angle 25mm for 4K recording, while the both models offer 28.9mm recording in 2K. The optical image stabilizer has HYBRID O.I.S., featuring 5-Axis correction with the Ball O.I.S. System for added smoothness to reduce the blur caused by camera shake during zooming, while Active Contrast optimizes the contrast under minimal lighting conditions.
Panasonic’s new camcorders come with USB-C terminal, remote control port, and an LCD electrostatic touchscreen, all upgrades over the company’s previous models. Moreover, HC-VX3 is equipped with Timestamp recordability and Audio LINE-IN.
Large 1/2.5–type (1/2.5–inch) sensor
Bright F1.8 lens
24x Optical zoom and flexible angle of view from 25mm* wide-angle
* 35mm camera equivalent. Available only with 4K 25p/24p and FHD 24p mode.
4K High-Precision AF keeps the subject in focus
5-Axis HYBRID O.I.S.+ and Ball O.I.S. for stable shooting
Edit videos shot in 4K with just the camera without a PC and save them in 2K. The footage can be edited after they are shot by zooming in, correcting camera shake, chasing the main subject, etc.
Large 1/2.5–type (1/2.5–inch) sensor
Bright F1.8 lens
24x Optical zoom and flexible angle of view from 28.9mm* wide-angle
* 35mm camera equivalent. 60p/50p, 30p/25p: 28.9 – 693.7 mm, 24p: 25 – 600 mm
High-Precision AF keeps the subject in focus
5-Axis HYBRID O.I.S.+ Ball O.I.S. for stable shooting
Both camcorders will be available for purchase at the end of November 2024 at valued channel partners. The HC-VX3 for $899.99 and the HC-V900 for $699.99.
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