Priyanka Chopra Jonas may be known for her acting roles now, but she was once a famous Bollywood dancer — and it seems like those dancing genes have been passed down to her daughter Malti Marie. The 2-year-old is a mini ballerina-in-training! The Citadel star shared the cutest new photo of her daughter at a ballet studio, and you can tell she already loves dancing.
“My little ballerina ????????????” Chopra Jonas captioned the post on her Instagram story on Wednesday. Malti is in a group with four other little girls, all dressed identically in light pink leotards, tutus, tights, and ballet slippers. All the girls are dancing in a circle, and Malti has one foot in the air and her arms twisted to the side like she is about to do a pirouette. Her curly brown hair is tied back with a little barrette, and she has tiny hoop earrings in her ears. She is the cutest ballerina you’ve ever seen! (And if you missed the photo, India Times has a screenshot HERE.)
The Love Again star shares Malti with husband Nick Jonas — who also knows a thing or two about dancing with his boy band The Jonas Brothers! Recently, they celebrated the Hindu holiday of Diwali together. Malti was dressed in a colorful floral lehenga dress, with a matching head scarf, that coordinated with the embroidered flowers in her dad’s traditional Indian outfit and her mom’s gorgeous dress.
“Happy Diwali to everyone. May this year bring peace to the world. ????❤️” Chopra Jonas captioned the photos.
In a 2023 interview with Elle, Chopra Jonas opened up about the stressful experience of Malti being born pre-mature and spending her first 100 days in the NICU. “I was so close to losing her so many times that she can get away with anything and I just want to see her happy,” Chopra Jonas said. “I want her to be the happiest. She’s a super smiley, happy baby, and that’s all my goal is — to see her joyous. Every time she smiles, it lights up my world, and that’s all I want to do.”
Before you go, check out Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas’ cutest moments with Malti.