Day six: My back felt great after hanging on an inversion board.
I woke up feeling yesterday's bench workout, so I figured Saturday would be the perfect opportunity to do another yoga routine and hang on an inversion board. I really loved the stretching I did earlier this week, so I worked through the same one — it was just more difficult because of how sore my upper body was.
I tried my best to breathe through the pain as I stretched my sore muscles. According to Martha's Blog, Stewart loves hanging on an inversion board, so after the yoga workout, I adjusted my board to my height and strapped my ankles in.
I don't use the board as often as I should, despite its many health benefits.
According to Healthline, this piece of equipment can help with reducing nerve pressure, realigning the spine, improving joint health, and increasing flexibility. I moved the board to a 45-degree angle, though it seems that Stewart prefers to be completely upside.
Although I didn't even stay on the board for 10 minutes, I felt a big difference in how much my back loosened up.