CNN's Dana Bash lost her patience with Sen. Tim Scott on Sunday morning after he first refused to encourage Donald Trump to stop spreading conspiracy rumors about Tuesday's election and then the South Carolina Republican blamed the media for spreading "misinformation."
During his appearance on CNN's "State of the Union," the Donald Trump advocate was pressed by the CNN host to say if he will agree with the election results if the former president loses and whether he would urge Trump to follow suit.
That led to an exchange where the GOP lawmaker refused to stop talking as she tried to get him to stick to answering her questions.
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'You think it's okay to spread false rumors about fraud and undermine the integrity of the election regardless of what happens?" Bash asked.
"Dana, the liberal media has done a better job of spreading misinformation ––," he replied which led Bash to roll her eyes and fire back, "Oh come on senator."
"That's true," he insisted. "Here's the fact: we're not seeing the coverage of two assassination attempts on CNN –"
We did wall-to-wall coverage!" the exasperated Bash interjected.
"We talk about Kamala Harris calling Donald Trump a fascist," Scott continued to which Bash once again interrupted with, "John Kelly called him a fascist, his former chief of staff."
"Wouldn't you in Kamala Harris' chief of staff called her a fascist?' the now bemused Bash asked. "And Donald Trump has called him one too."
She later added, "I want to allow you to make your point like I just did but I can't let go of the fact that you are saying it is the media spreading claims. It is not true. It is Donald Trump who is saying things."
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