After 12:45 a.m. Chicago time, there are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Sagittarius.
Travel and a chance to do something different will appeal to you today. Or you might want to be a tourist in your own city? Actually, one reason you might want to "get away from all this" is because difficulties with family members could come to a head. It's a serious clash of egos. Run away!
Resist the urge to dig in your heels and become entrenched in your views today because you'll be tempted to do this. But this is being stubborn and close minded. Instead, avoid power struggles with others, especially siblings and neighbors. Be cool.
Disputes about money, earnings or possessions might get nasty today. For example, you might dispute the ownership of something? Or it could be about borrowing, lending or returning something. It might even be a disagreement about shared responsibilities. Tread carefully.
Today Mars is in your sign opposing big daddy Pluto, which will make you work hard and strive to get ahead. Nevertheless, because of your determined attitude, you could end up in a power struggle with someone close to you — a friend, partner or spouse. Don't try to gain control. Stay on your side of the fence.
Some kind of underhanded activity might take place today, which is detrimental to you. In other words, someone might be working against your own best interests. Stay clear of criminal elements and areas that are potentially dangerous. Keep things above board!
A serious power struggle with a friend or a member of a group might take place today. Don't try to gain control over others because this could increase opposition to you. Instead, secure your own position. Make sure you know what you're doing. Remain confident.
Tread carefully today because this is the classic day for power struggles with bosses, parents, teachers, VIPs and the police. Although this is unlikely, the astrological influences today can promote violent behavior; therefore, avoid dangerous places or people. Be observant and keep a low profile.
Naturally people can get into arguments about politics, religion and racial issues — such is the human condition. However, today is a terrible day to enter into these kinds of disagreements and controversial discussions. Avoid these like the plague! Keep your head down and your powder dry. Be smart.
With the moon in your sign today, you might feel more emotional than usual, which is why a power struggle with someone about finances, money or possessions might take place. Fortunately, with Mercury and Venus in your sign, you can control the narrative and keep the peace.
Be careful today. Avoid dangerous neighborhoods. Likewise, avoid people who are looking for trouble because this is the classic day for power struggles and difficulties with others. In fact, your best choice is to find some pleasant solitude with good food and drink so you can relax.
Fortunately, you look attractive to others now. In fact, relations with younger people or artistic types are positive. Go with what works and avoid power struggles at work or power struggles related to your health or your pet. People are quite aggressive today.
Relations with your kids might be challenging today because they might have hissy fits and meltdowns. If so, remember who the adult is: It's you. Don't throw your weight around. Be patient and loving with others. Meanwhile, romantic partners might be challenging. (Oh yeah.)
Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour (1949) shares your birthday. You are determined, practical, resourceful and strong. Sometimes you like to shock or provoke people. Simplicity is the key to life this year. It's time to work and create solid foundations both external as well as internal structures. Stay grounded and levelheaded (which you are).