BRUTAL face to face nominations rocked the house during Friday’s show, before another housemate was evicted.
Dean became the fifth housemate to leave the ITV2 show, after ‘Evil Head of House’ Emma swapped him in for nomination instead of Nathan.
Meanwhile Nathan and Baked Potato aren’t the only romance in the house, as another couple appear to be growing closer.
Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace breaks down all the latest drama, and what she wants to see happen next.
Hanah and Segun sitting in the tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G. I called it, you heard it here for us. Hot off the press.
They are getting closer and closer. They’re a cute couple and I’m here for it, I want to see more of it this week.
However, Nathan dropped the L word to Baked Potato last night.
We saw him say, ‘I’m really starting to fall in love with you.’
Oh, give me the ick. What the hell, honey?
Just wait till you get outside, I’ve been in there, you start thinking the weirdest things.
You start having the weirdest emotions towards people and then when you come out, you can’t even remember their first name.
Sorry, guys.
The face to face nominations last night were epic.
And let me tell you, as an ex-housemate, there is nothing worse in that house than having to face to face nominate. You feel awful.
Listen, I used to feel bad enough just going into the Diary Room to secretly do it.
I’m sure if you look it up, I was probably the person that took the longest to nominate anyone, because you just feel so wretched because you’re living with these people.
You like these people sometimes, and you just feel awful because you’re you.
You could be taking away their place in the house, so, yeah, to do it face to face…brilliant for us as viewers, awful if you’re a housemate.
I was so shocked though, when Emma actually nominated Hanah, like I thought they were like bona fides in there.
I thought they were really good friends and then Hanah confusingly gave her a big hug and said, ‘It’s fine’.
Well, she didn’t do the same for Ali, because Ali nominated her.
It was all very confusing last night, and the dynamics of their friendship – Emma and Hanah’s – is really confusing.
I mean, is Emma playing a really good game to the point where she can nominate people and they forgive her instantly?
She’s forgiven, and it’s fine, but Ali can’t do that.
So is Emma, the mastermind of this year’s Big Brother?
I’m starting to think she is.
Look, I know some of you really love Lily and yeah, I’ve got to admit she is entertaining, but she is not going on a journey quick enough for me.
OK, she calmed down with the screaming and the screeching, but Big Brother’s about a journey and about learning about yourself.
Last night she really tore into Tom for his reasons for picking her and nominating her.
But really, for me, I can’t understand that as whenever I was put up for eviction, I would self reflect, I wouldn’t attack the person that put me up.
If I knew about it, I wouldn’t attack them, I’d be like, ‘Right, So I wonder why they did that? Let me self reflect. Let me let me learn something about me.’
But no, Lily wants to throw her toys out of the pram, and by the way, she doesn’t like people treating her or talking to her like she’s a little kid. Yet she wants to do that.
Throw her toys out the pram, scream all hours of the night, wake people up, steal people’s chocolates and hide it.
Honey, it’s giving bratty four-year-old behaviour and that’s why the other housemates talk to her and baby her like they do.
There’s only two weeks left of this year’s show, and I am so excited this week to see the bitchiness that’s gonna start happening.
It’s really already started to rear its ugly head.
But with two weeks to the final, people that weren’t in there playing a game are gonna now realise, ‘Actually, I’ve got a chance to win 100 grand here’ , and you’re gonna start seeing bitchy or strategic moves, and I cannot wait.
This is when it is the best.
Big Brother airs on ITV2 and is available on ITVX.