HUDSON, N.Y. (NEWS10) -- As it gets colder, code blue shelters start getting ready for those without a place to stay. But not every community has one - and the city of Hudson just opened its first.
The First Reformed Church at 52 Green Street has been helping those in need for years by offering A.A. meetings and giving away food. But now, a new light of hope shines on those out in the cold.
What started as free spaghetti dinners once a month during the winter is now a fully-functional Code Blue shelter. Bunk beds fill two separate rooms along with showers, a washer, and dryer. The church has 14 beds for both men and women when a Cold Blue is in effect.
"A family would go into a hotel when they are unhoused," said Hudson Mayor Kamal Johnson. "All of those are full so this gives them an opportunity to come here, get a hot meal, be able to use the resources that are here as well."
The church takes inspiration from the Capital City Rescue Mission in Albany but the idea to help the unhoused goes back to Blanche Hotaling. The mission is named in her honor; her family coming from states away to say thanks.
"For those that knew her, I am sure you saw she did not take no very easily or as the final answer. She was passionate about three things: her church, her family, and seeing this come to fruition," said Leona, Hotaling's oldest daughter.
The Hotaling Memorial Mission had a successful soft opening last year. Plans to grow are also in the works with Capital City.