Natural lighting and an ergonomic setup can prevent you from feeling tired.
Although more major companies are requiring employees to return to theoffice, working from home is still common for many people in 2024.
Whether you're a fully remote employee, a freelancer, or someone who only works from home a few days a week, you've probably learned by now that your space can affect your productivity.
A cluttered office can often lead to a cluttered brain, and a well-equipped home office can fuel productivity and motivation. However, it can be hard to know where to start.
For tips on transforming a home office for optimal productivity, Business Insider asked professional organizer and the founder of Nestplace, Anastasia Lee, to share her insight.
Here's what the expert said.
It's important to keep your office clean and clutter-free. Don't keep unnecessary items on your desk.
PixelsEffect/Getty Images
According to Lee, tidying up and maintaining a clean, clutter-free environment is a simple step toward improving productivity. This can be as simple as clearing out your junk drawer, filing those loose papers away, and tossing pens that no longer work.
"At the end of each day, remember to clear your desk by taking back any water bottles, coffee cups, or plates," she said. "Starting each day with a clean desk leads to a clear mind."
She also told BI that although the ideal desk setup varies for everyone, simplicity is often key. As for organization tools, Lee suggested having containers for pens, mail, and document storage.
A standing desk or other ergonomic setup can help prevent fatigue.Sitting for long periods of time can lead to long-term health issues.
Priyanka Rajput
Daily movement is important not only for your productivity but also for your health.
After all, it's no secret that sitting all day can leave you sore, tired, and antsy — but studies suggest it can also lead to muscle fatigue and medical conditions.
Luckily, there are ways to avoid sitting the entire workday.
"Investing in an ergonomic setup or standing desk helps prevent fatigue and discomfort," Lee told BI. "Small changes like these can make a big difference in how productive and comfortable you feel throughout the day."
Prioritize natural lighting in your office space. Natural light can be an important factor in boosting energy.
Westend61/Getty Images
Whether she's advising clients or organizing her own home office, Lee said she always emphasizes the importance of lighting.
"Natural light boosts energy and focus, but if that's not available, opt for bright, warm lighting to create an inviting workspace," Lee said.
Use visual tools to set daily priorities. Planners, whiteboards, and calendars can help you remain productive throughout the workday.
Stephanie Pitera Statile
According to Lee, writing down reminders for the workday can be useful in boosting focus and productivity, especially for visual learners.
"I recommend using a planner, whiteboard, or blocking your calendar with your top tasks for the day," Lee suggests. "This keeps you organized, motivated, and focused on what matters most."
Create a distraction-free zone.Leaving your phone in another room can help prevent distractions.
svetikd/Getty Images
Having an unhealthy attachment to your phone can be detrimental to daily productivity. Therefore, it's important to take action before the temptation to answer texts and scroll through social media takes over.
"Leave your phone in another room or turn on focus mode to help you stick to the tasks you've scheduled in your calendar," Lee told BI.
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