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Real Madrid ‘edit Kylian Mbappe OUT of new promotion’ after star slams ‘fake news’ over ‘rape claim in Sweden’

REAL Madrid has reportedly edited Kylian Mbappe out of a charity promotion just a day after local media reported a rape complaint was made against the star footballer.

Two almost identical images posted to Instagram appear to show the French striker in and out of a photo for the club’s Artist Pack promotion.

English forward Jude Bellingham shared this image of the campaign to his Instagram[/caption]
Real Madrid posted the image without Mbappe on Tuesday[/caption]
Mbappe trained with his Spanish club side on Tuesday[/caption]
A complaint of an alleged rape has been made against the star footballer in Sweden[/caption]

The first image was posted by English striker Jude Bellingham to his Instagram and showed him and Mbappe with a group of artists.

But Bellingham swiftly deleted the group snap.

Real Madrid then posted an almost identical image to its main Instagram account on Tuesday – but now with Mbappe missing.

The edit comes a day after news broke that a rape complaint was reportedly made against the star player on Saturday in Stockholm.

Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported Monday that the French forward, 25, is being investigated by cops over the complaint.

Mbappe slammed the report as “fake news” and implied the report had emerged just as he was set to enter a dispute with his former club.

In a post on X, Mbappe addressed the report Monday saying: “FAKE NEWS !!!! It’s becoming so predictable, just before the hearing as if by chance.”

The Real Madrid player seemingly referred to a hearing he is set to face over unpaid wages he is disputedly owed.

Mbappe claims he is owed 55million Euros (£45million) by his former club Paris Saint-Germain.

Claims have emerged online that Mbappe was edited out of the promotion as he is sponsored by Nike and the campaign is run with Adidas Football.

But other Nike-sponsored Real Madrid footballers remained in the ad, like Eduardo Camavinga.

Neither Real Madrid or Nike responded to The Sun by deadline.

Real Madrid posted new snaps of Mbappe training on Tuesday to its Instagram account following the edited post.

Mbappe’s representatives at PR firm Patricia Goldman told Reuters on Tuesday: “These accusations are totally false and irresponsible, and their propagation is unacceptable.

Mbappe went clubbing while in Stockholm[/caption]
X @KMbappe
Mbappe strenuously denies the claim[/caption]

“Kylian Mbappe will under no circumstances tolerate his integrity, reputation and honour being sullied by unfounded insinuations.”

Mbappe’s lawyer Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard also appeared on French TV on Tuesday and said they had not received any documents.

Canu-Bernard claimed that Mbappe was never alone during the evening and was surrounded by security guards.

She said: “We still don’t know who it applies to. An action is not reality.

“A deed is not proof of anything.”

Canu-Bernard said the footballer is now considering bringing a defamation case following the claim.

France’s manager Deschamps, 56, responded to the allegations against his captain as he warned people to avoid spreading “anything and everything” in regards to Mbappe.

After being quizzed on the allegations at the post match press conference Deschamps said: “Everyone is free to write what they want but there is a negative atmosphere around the French team.”

Stockholm police spokeswoman Carina Skagerlind said Monday: “In general, if we have received a complaint and decided to conduct interviews and we make it known (to the public), those involved in the case may take actions that delay and complicate the investigation.”

Forensic police were seen on Monday outside Bank Hotel – where the star stayed between Wednesday and Friday.

Expressen reported that Mbappe on Thursday dined at the Chez Jolie restaurant and went to the V nightclub in Stockholm with pals.

The outlet reports police are investigating an alleged rape at the Bank Hotel that night.

Mbappe’s entourage shot back in a statement sent to AFP: “Today, a new slanderous rumour is starting to spread across the web from the Swedish media Aftonbladet.

“These accusations are completely false and irresponsible, and their propagation is unacceptable.

“In order to put an end to this methodical destruction of (the) image (of Kylian Mbappe), all necessary legal actions will be taken to re-establish the truth and pursue any person or media involved in the moral harassment and defamatory treatment that Kylian Mbappe is suffering repeatedly.”

Mbappe is currently injured and did not play in France’s Nations League fixtures last week.

Real Madrid said the Artist Pack is a clothing line that seeks to blend art, sport, and social inclusion.

Mbappe stayed in the Bank Hotel in Stockholm while in the country[/caption]
Mbappe’s lawyer said he is now preparing a defamation lawsuit in response[/caption]

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