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The inside of my windows were dripping with condensation every morning – a 69p hack worked instantly to stop it

THE AUTUMN season has well and truly arrived, which for millions of households comes with the same issue – windows dripping with condensation.

But not only are the water droplets annoying – condensation can also lead to mould, which can have a negative impact on your health.

The arrival of autumn has also come with annoying condensation – which can lead to mould[/caption]
Luckily, Mrs Hinch fans have come to rescue yet again

According to data by Homebrite, the problem is huge – a staggering 58 per cent of privately rented households across England are dealing with damp, mould, condensation and excessive cold.

Experts warned that those particularly vulnerable are people with respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma, as well as newborns, young children and the elderly.

Being exposed to and inhaling the mould spores can cause a range of issues, such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes and skin rash.

In some cases mould can also cause asthma attacks.

With the cold weather now officially here, many Brits have been taking to social media to seek advice – and amongst them is also Brenda Cordery who asked fellow Mrs Hinch fans how to tackle the common problem.

Posting on Facebook, Brenda explained: ”Can anybody help me. My windows inside are dripping. Can’t even see out of them.

”I’ve had too open every window and put heating on too dry them.”

The woman, like many cash-strapped Brits, added that she couldn’t ”afford too have heating on in the day” and was only keeping it on for a few hours in the evening.

Luckily for Brenda – and others who are dealing with condensation – the post was soon inundated with responses from helpful fans of the cleanfluencer.

There were several tips and tricks in the comments section, ranging from using a newspaper to investing in a dehumidifier.

However, one hack appeared to be more popular than any other – and that was to use washing-up liquid.

One fan of Mrs Hinch – whose real name is Sophie Hinchliffe – said: ”I use washing washing up liquid that stops it.”

Another chimed in, explaining how to use the kitchen essential: ”Put a little neat washing up liquid on a dry cloth, wipe all over the wet window. Glass stays clear.”

A third cleaning fanatic added: ”Washing up liquid on a microfibre cloth wipe the windows completely and let it dry it will last a few days then repeat when they fill up again.”

What is mould and how to get rid of it?

Mould is more likely to grow during the winter months.

Olivia Young, Product Development Scientist at Astonish revealed exactly why this is.

“Unfortunately, mould is a common problem many people face during winter. It thrives in conditions that are warm and damp, so your bathrooms are likely to be the most affected place.

“That said, during the colder months most rooms in your home could be vulnerable to mould growing.

“This occurs primarily from condensation that builds up on your windows when you’ve got your radiators on.

“If you think about it, when windows and doors are closed, there’s not much chance for the air to circulate and the moisture to make a swift exit.

“This build up is what can cause dreaded mould to make an appearance, especially in bathrooms, as it creates that warm and wet environment that is a breeding ground for mould.

“If left untreated, not only is it unsightly but it can also pose a serious risk to your health, so it’s really important you treat it.

“The key to tackle mould is to act fast.

“Try to come into as little contact with it as you can. So, grab your gloves, tie up your hair and get to work to remove any signs of mould as soon as you notice them.

“To keep mould at bay, there are some simple solutions you can introduce throughout home.

“The first is keep it ventilated. Yes, even in the cold winter months try to leave your bathroom window open for at least 10/15 minutes post shower or bath. This will get rid of any excess moisture quickly preventing mould gathering.

“If you’re having a repeat problem with mould in one particular area, it might be because the humidity levels are too high. You can get a dehumidifier that will help keep the levels low and reduce the risk of mould returning.

“The golden rule to remember when dealing with mould is the quicker you can treat it, the better. If you leave it, it will only get worse so never ignore it!

“To successfully get rid of mould every time, I recommend opting for the UK’s No 1 Mould & Mildew Remover, that effectively removes mould and mildew stains almost instantly, with no scrubbing necessary.”

After her post took the internet by storm, Brenda revealed that she had given the purse-friendly trick a go – and it worked.

”Thank you all for your answers. I did think of wash up liquid we used too do that for our mirrors in our salon.”

However, if you’re not entirely convinced by using washing-up liquid (69p at Lidl), there were also plenty of other suggestions.

One person said: ”Try to place a small bowl of salt on your window sill to soak up excess moisture when the windows are closed. Or buy those small plastic dehumidifiers.

”I have mine on the window sills in every room, and I replace them when full of water.”

Another wrote: ”I use a squeegee on mine every time it gets condensation, clean the rubber seals too as they get mucky.

”I manage to keep them clean all winter. a daily occurance in my house.”

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