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My stay at a budget Spanish hotel that looked more like a 13 year old’s bedroom – with the smallest bath in the world

A BRIT holidaymaker who booked a budget break in Valencia was left in fits of giggles, when she discovered her hotel room resembled a 13-year-old boy’s bedroom.

Martha Mills paid £115 for two nights as part of a special deal for the ‘interior facing single room,’ at Casual Vintage hotel in the Spanish city.

Martha Mills
Martha Mills booked a budget break in Valencia, but was left in fits of giggles, when she discovered her hotel room resembled ‘a 13-year-old boy’s bedroom’[/caption]
Martha Mills
She paid £115 for two nights as part of a special deal for the ‘interior facing single room,’ at Casual Vintage hotel[/caption]
Martha Mills
Inside the bathroom was a half-sized bath that she was unable to squeeze her legs into[/caption]

In a video tour she filmed of her digs, which can be played above, she shows off the bathroom and the decoration of the bedroom.

The room is the size of an average British boxroom, with two toy Ferrari cars stuck on the wall alongside a chequered flag.

Inside the bathroom was a half-sized bath that she was unable to squeeze her legs into, along with a shower curtain that said: ‘God Save The Queen.’

On the morning after her first night’s stay, she pulled back the window curtain to reveal the view of a wall.

Martha told Sun Online Travel:  “The website did say the room was small and “interior” so the general size of the sleeping area was no huge surprise, but the decor and the hilarious mini-bath were definitely not what I anticipated.

“And they didn’t specify that “interior” would be a window a few feet from a brick wall.

“In general, the aspirational images that were presented to me on the website of the hotel were not what I ended up with.

“The rest of the hotel was also very small and quite tired looking in comparison to the photo gallery. The front desk staff and cleaners were all friendly and the location was great for seeing the sites on foot.”

When asked if felt like she had paid over the odds for the small room, Martha conceded that the price point was unsatisfying because she got neither comfort or a bargain.

She said: “I don’t feel I was robbed, but I do think I could have paid a few pounds more for a far superior hotel room elsewhere – or paid a couple pounds less and used a youth hostel where I would have been fully prepared for the lower-budget product.

Martha Mills
On the morning after her first night’s stay, she pulled back the window curtain to reveal the view of a wall[/caption]
Martha Mills
The room is the size of an average British boxroom, with two toy Ferrari cars stuck on the wall[/caption]

“When I walked in, I had to laugh, as the first thing I saw was the droopy chequered flag on the wall, the naff woodchip wall paper and the toy cars stuck over the bed – it was NOTHING like the photos on the website.

“It felt like I was visiting an aunt for Christmas and had been given her young son’s bedroom to sleep in.”

“However , the wifi and air con worked, which made it bearable, and I had great fun updating my friends on all the hilarious things I found, like the bath for ants.”

Sun Online Travel have contacted the Casual Vintage hotel for a comment.

This isn’t the first time a holidaymaker has booked into a hotel to be faced with a different aspect to what appeared in the brochures.

One tourist booked into a Vietnam hotel to discover her infinity pool was actually more like a hot tub.

In another instance, a social media influencer claimed to have paid for sea views, only to check in and realise the window was lined with a poster.

Martha Mills
Martha said that the decor and the hilarious mini-bath ‘were definitely not what I anticipated’[/caption]
Martha Mills
One of her favourite features was a shower curtain that said: ‘God Save The Queen.’[/caption]

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